Academic Positions Documents

Academic Positions
Evaluation of the PDC-HS: Formal vs Informal Assessments
This document evaluates the utility of the Performance Diagnostic Checklist - Human Services (PDC-HS). It compares formal and informal assessment strategies. The thesis was submitted to fulfill partial requirements for a Master of Science degree.

Academic Positions
Creating Read-Only Copy of a Writable PDF
This document guides you on how to create a read-only PDF from a writable form. Follow the provided instructions for a seamless process. Perfect for students and academic staff.

Academic Positions
University of Madras Convocation Application Form
This file contains the application form for admission to the Annual or Supplemental Convocation of the University of Madras. It includes instructions, fee details, and required enclosures. Candidates must fill out the form accurately and submit it before the deadline.

Academic Positions
Documents Required for PhD Registration and Changes
This file provides a comprehensive list of necessary documents for Ph.D. registration and various administrative changes. It outlines the specific requirements for applications, conversions, title changes, guide changes, and more. Ideal for aspiring Ph.D. candidates and administrative staff.

Academic Positions
Thesis on Jewish Culture Mediators in 13th-century Aragón
This thesis examines the role of intermediaries in shaping relations between the thirteenth-century Crown of Aragón and the Muslim Mediterranean. It highlights the life of Abrahim Abenamies as an agent crossing cultures, languages, and religions. The work provides insight into the cultural mediation of the era.

Academic Positions
MLA Format Instructions for Academic Papers
This file provides essential guidelines for writing papers in MLA format. It covers header placement, formatting rules, citations, and a sample Works Cited page. Perfect for students needing clear, expert advice on MLA standards.

Academic Positions
KEAN Undergraduate Independent Study Application
This file contains the KEAN University Undergraduate Independent Study Application and Registration Authorization form. It outlines the regulations and procedures for independent study projects. The form requires student and faculty information, as well as approval from the department chairperson and college dean.

Academic Positions
Advisement and Registration Policy and Procedures
This file outlines the policies and procedures for academic advisement and registration. It includes details on dropping and adding courses, leave of absence, and registration deadlines. It is essential for ensuring proper enrollment and maintaining academic progress.

Academic Positions
Application for Re-marking of Examination or Coursework
This form is used by students of The Mico University College to request the re-marking of examination scripts or coursework. It includes sections for student information, course details, and official use. The form must be submitted along with a fee receipt.

Academic Positions
College Board Accommodations Request Consent Form
This form allows students to request accommodations for College Board tests. By filling out this form, students and their guardians provide consent for the release of their disability documentation and other relevant information to College Board. This ensures the necessary accommodations will be provided during the tests.

Academic Positions
Lower Sixth Form Subject Offerings - September 2019
This document provides an overview of the subject offerings for Lower Sixth Form students starting in September 2019. It includes different options for Science, Arts, and Business subjects, along with value-added courses. Detailed information on each subject and additional courses is included.

Academic Positions
Implementation of a Fall Prevention Program
This file details the implementation of a fall prevention program for hospitalized patients. It includes project goals, literature discussion, proposed outcomes, evaluation design, and more. The project was completed as part of the MSN Capstone Projects at the University of Texas at Tyler.