Academic Positions Documents

Academic Positions
CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy Absence Policy
This document outlines the absence policy for the CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. It provides detailed guidelines on how to request an absence and the documentation required. Students and faculty can refer to this policy to understand the expectations regarding attendance.

Academic Positions
Thesis on Jewish Culture Mediators in 13th-century Aragón
This thesis examines the role of intermediaries in shaping relations between the thirteenth-century Crown of Aragón and the Muslim Mediterranean. It highlights the life of Abrahim Abenamies as an agent crossing cultures, languages, and religions. The work provides insight into the cultural mediation of the era.

Academic Positions
Clemson University Thesis Dissertation PDF Guidelines
This document provides essential guidelines for converting your manuscript to PDF format for submission. It outlines prerequisites, conversion methods, and troubleshooting tips. Ideal for Clemson University thesis and dissertation students.

Academic Positions
MLA Format Instructions for Academic Papers
This file provides essential guidelines for writing papers in MLA format. It covers header placement, formatting rules, citations, and a sample Works Cited page. Perfect for students needing clear, expert advice on MLA standards.

Academic Positions
External Review Letter Instructions and Guidelines
This document provides guidelines for external reviewers involved in evaluating candidates for promotion or tenure at Ohio Wesleyan University. It outlines the expectations, assessment criteria, and confidentiality obligations. Reviewers are provided with resources to facilitate their evaluation process.

Academic Positions
KEAN Undergraduate Independent Study Application
This file contains the KEAN University Undergraduate Independent Study Application and Registration Authorization form. It outlines the regulations and procedures for independent study projects. The form requires student and faculty information, as well as approval from the department chairperson and college dean.

Academic Positions
Kinetic Spectroscopic Quantification of Biomarkers
This thesis presents innovative methods for quantifying biomarkers using kinetic spectroscopy. It provides insights into practical sample analysis in chemistry. Researchers and students in the field of Chemistry will find this work beneficial for their studies.

Academic Positions
Application for Re-marking of Examination or Coursework
This form is used by students of The Mico University College to request the re-marking of examination scripts or coursework. It includes sections for student information, course details, and official use. The form must be submitted along with a fee receipt.

Academic Positions
College Board Accommodations Request Consent Form
This form allows students to request accommodations for College Board tests. By filling out this form, students and their guardians provide consent for the release of their disability documentation and other relevant information to College Board. This ensures the necessary accommodations will be provided during the tests.

Academic Positions
Lower Sixth Form Subject Offerings - September 2019
This document provides an overview of the subject offerings for Lower Sixth Form students starting in September 2019. It includes different options for Science, Arts, and Business subjects, along with value-added courses. Detailed information on each subject and additional courses is included.

Academic Positions
Implementation of a Fall Prevention Program
This file details the implementation of a fall prevention program for hospitalized patients. It includes project goals, literature discussion, proposed outcomes, evaluation design, and more. The project was completed as part of the MSN Capstone Projects at the University of Texas at Tyler.

Academic Positions
NIFT PhD 2023 Admissions Candidate Status List
This file contains the status of candidates for the PhD 2023 admissions at the National Institute of Fashion Technology, India. It includes both shortlisted and provisionally shortlisted candidates along with essential admission instructions. Candidates can find their form numbers, names, status, and remarks in this document.