Sports & Recreation Documents

Sports & Recreation
Baseball Lineup Card for Teams and Competitions
This Baseball Lineup Card is ideal for coaches to organize their team players, positions, and substitutes. Easy to fill and use during games to keep track of player performance. Designed for use at any location or date.

Sports & Recreation
IHSA Skin Condition Evaluation for High School Wrestling
This file is a form used by physicians to evaluate and authorize a high school wrestler with a skin condition to compete. It ensures the condition is not communicable and is safe for the athlete and their opponents. Completing this form is mandatory and must be presented before matches.

Sports & Recreation
Child SCAT5: Sport Concussion Assessment Tool for Ages 5-12
The Child SCAT5 is a standardized tool used by medical professionals to evaluate concussions in children aged 5 to 12 years. It provides detailed instructions for use and highlights the importance of medical assessment and monitoring in case of suspected concussions. This form is designed to ensure proper and safe management of concussion injuries in young athletes.

Sports & Recreation
Sports Group Photography Order Form
This file is used to order sports group photography packages. It includes various photo packages, pricing, and instructions for payment. Fill out the required fields to complete your order.

Sports & Recreation
Girls Fastpitch Softball Tryout Information Sheet
This file is a tryout information sheet for the Girls Fastpitch Softball organization, TABU. It includes fields for personal information, player skills, history, and a release form. Bring the completed form to the Tryout Check-In table.

Sports & Recreation
Sports Photography Order Form - High School 2021-2022
This file is a comprehensive order form for high school sports photography covering various packages and individual products. It includes pricing details and package options for individual and team photos, composites, and various photo merchandise. The form also provides instructions for ordering and submitting the completed form.

Sports & Recreation
Naval Station Great Lakes Sports Equipment Checkout
This document provides a comprehensive list of sports equipment available for checkout at Naval Station Great Lakes. It includes policies, contact information, and equipment usage guidelines. Active duty patrons are required to present ID for verification.

Sports & Recreation
Base-Ball Game Rules and Field Setup Guidelines
This file provides a comprehensive guide to the rules of the base-ball game and detailed instructions on setting up the field. It includes measurements, equipment recommendations, and player positions. Ideal for players and enthusiasts of all levels.

Sports & Recreation
This form is used for judging the Free Skate Test at the standard preliminary level according to US Figure Skating rules. It includes a list of required elements, judging criteria, and test results. The form ensures that skaters demonstrate knowledge of the elements and a good sense of power, speed, and flow.

Sports & Recreation
Medical Clearance Form for Youth Sports Participation
This file is a medical clearance form required for youth athletes to participate in flag football, tackle football, cheer, dance, step, or other athletic activities. The form must be completed and signed by a state-licensed medical examiner. It includes details on obtaining clearance after an injury, accident, or illness.

Sports & Recreation
AYSO Player Registration Form
The AYSO Player Registration Form is essential for registering a child in the American Youth Soccer Organization. It collects personal information, emergency contacts, medical details, and consent. Ensure all information is filled out accurately for successful registration.

Sports & Recreation
Liability Release Waiver for Houston Sports Park Events
This file is a liability release waiver for participants involved in events at the Houston Sports Park. It outlines the conditions, assumptions of risk, and medical attention policies. Participants must agree to the terms before participating in any events.