Compliance Documents


Request for Independent Medical Examination Form

This form is used to request an independent medical examination when a dispute arises regarding the condition of an employee as per L.R.S. 23:1123. It includes fields for employee, employer, insurer, and attorney details. Proper submission requires a cover letter, conflicting medical reports, and a list of all treating physicians.


Adcorp Personal Information Policy Overview

This file outlines the Protection of Personal Information and Access to Information policy of Adcorp Holdings Limited. It provides guidance on the collection, use, and safeguarding of personal information. The policy is essential for compliance with POPIA and PAIA.


Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Guide

This file provides crucial information on the new beneficial ownership information reporting requirements established by the Corporate Transparency Act. It outlines the reporting process for companies and the necessary information that needs to be submitted. Users can find detailed guidance to ensure compliance with these regulations.


Compliance Letter Template Instructions and Guidelines

This file provides a compliance letter template used by institutions to confirm receipt of gifts from Google. It details the responsibilities of ethics officials in completing and submitting the letter. Clear instructions are given for using the template effectively.


Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board Agent Card Application

This file contains the application and checklist for obtaining a Cannabis Establishment Agent Card in Nevada. It includes detailed instructions for submission and requirements. All fees are non-refundable.


Allstate Northern Ireland Limited Modern Slavery Statement

This file provides detailed insights and instructions regarding Allstate Northern Ireland's commitment to combating modern slavery. It outlines the measures taken during 2021 to ensure ethical practices in their operations and supply chains. Users can gain an understanding of corporate social responsibility and compliance policies.


Quality Plan for Statutory Inspections of Electrical Installations

This file contains a quality plan for statutory inspections of electrical installations under Regulation 30 of Central Electricity Authority regulations. It provides detailed instructions and a format for applications. The document ensures compliance with safety and electric supply regulations.


FinCEN Suspicious Activity Report Filing Instructions

This document provides guidelines for filing the FinCEN Suspicious Activity Report. It includes general information, features, advantages, and filing instructions. It also addresses frequently asked questions regarding the new FinCEN SAR.


Florida DHSMV Release Form for Property Damage/Injury

This file contains the release form for property damage or injury required by the Florida DHSMV. It is necessary for suspending a driver's license. Please fill out the form following the provided instructions.


DCU Data Protection Guidance for Google Forms

This document provides comprehensive guidance on data protection when using Google Forms at DCU. It covers general data protection principles, specific guidance for Google Forms, and contact details for further support. It aims to help users comply with GDPR and ensure data security.


Massachusetts Health Insurance Responsibility Disclosure Form

This file provides detailed information and instructions for employers in Massachusetts to submit the Health Insurance Responsibility Disclosure (HIRD) form annually. The form collects employer-level information about employer-sponsored insurance offerings. Submission is required by December 15 each year through the MassTaxConnect web portal.


Securitas Values and Ethics Code Overview

This document outlines the core values and ethics of Securitas. It serves as a guideline for employees and partners to uphold integrity and compliance. Understand the responsibilities and standards expected within the organization.