Civil Rights Documents

Voting Rights

Application to Vote by Proxy in England

This file contains the application details for proxy voting in England. It provides instructions on how to apply and the requirements needed. Useful for individuals unable to vote in person.

Voting Rights

Michigan Voter Registration Drive Guidelines

This document outlines the guidelines and requirements for running a voter registration drive in Michigan. It details the eligibility criteria and the registration process. It is essential for individuals and organizations involved in voter registration efforts.

Voting Rights

Vote by Mail Ballot Application Instructions

This file provides the application for a vote by mail ballot for registered voters. It contains step-by-step instructions for completing and submitting the application. Ensure to follow the guidelines to receive your ballot on time.

Voting Rights

Texas Provisional Voter Notice Instructions and Guidelines

This document provides essential information for provisional voters in Texas who did not present acceptable photo ID. It outlines the steps for ensuring your vote is counted and instructions for completing necessary declarations. Use this guide to navigate the legal requirements surrounding provisional voting in Texas.

Voting Rights

Register To Vote Using Postcard Form Instructions

This file provides detailed instructions for U.S. citizens on how to register to vote using a postcard application form. It includes eligibility criteria, instructions on filling out the form, and submission guidance. Essential for first-time voters and those updating their registration details.

Voting Rights

Online Voting Process Using SurveyMonkey Guide

This document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an online voting process using SurveyMonkey. It outlines key features, like anonymous voting and how to effectively collect responses. Perfect for school councils and organizations looking to streamline their voting process.

Voting Rights

FORM 12D Letter for Absentee Voters Casting Vote

FORM 12D is a vital document for absentee voters who wish to cast their votes by post. This form allows eligible voters to request a postal ballot and ensure their participation in elections. Properly filling this form is essential for those unable to vote in person due to official duties or other valid reasons.

Voting Rights

Roberts Rules NRS Voting Guidelines and Procedures

This file outlines the voting procedures for executive board members under NRS 116.31084. It explains rules regarding abstention, proxies, and absentee voting. This document is essential for understanding the governance of common-interest communities.

Voting Rights

Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form Instructions

This file provides details and instructions for filling out the Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form, including contact information and how to submit the form. It includes the list of voter registration offices and steps to complete the application accurately.

Voting Rights

Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot Form - Instructions and Details

The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is a backup ballot available for eligible overseas voters or military personnel who do not receive their state absentee ballot. This form also serves as voter registration and absentee ballot request for certain states. This document includes comprehensive instructions on how to fill out and submit the FWAB.

Voting Rights

Register to Vote Using Postcard Form and Guide

This file provides vital instructions for U.S. citizens on how to register to vote using a postcard application. It outlines eligibility criteria, filling instructions, and submission guidelines. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to ensure your registration is processed.

Voting Rights

Application for Absentee Ballot - COVID-19 Guidelines

This form is for voters wishing to apply for an absentee ballot in the context of COVID-19. It gathers essential applicant information and reasons for absence. Complete this form to ensure your eligibility to vote during primary elections.