Civil Rights Documents

Voting Rights
Florida Vote-by-Mail Ballots Request Guidelines
This file contains guidelines for requesting, delivering, and returning vote-by-mail ballots in Florida. It outlines who can request ballots, how to fill out the forms, and important deadlines. Voters and their families will benefit from understanding these crucial procedures for voting by mail.

Voting Rights
Missouri Voter Registration Application
The Missouri Voter Registration Application allows individuals to register to vote in Missouri elections. This form is essential for new registrations, name or address changes on current registrations. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to ensure timely registration before elections.

Voting Rights
FORM 12D Letter for Absentee Voters Casting Vote
FORM 12D is a vital document for absentee voters who wish to cast their votes by post. This form allows eligible voters to request a postal ballot and ensure their participation in elections. Properly filling this form is essential for those unable to vote in person due to official duties or other valid reasons.

Civil Rights Litigation
Vendor Job Imaging Work Order for Litigation Services
This file serves as a comprehensive work order for imaging services related to litigation. It outlines all necessary information, from reference numbers to document types, ensuring a seamless workflow. Completing this form accurately guarantees timely processing and delivery of your documents.

Voting Rights
Application to Vote by Post in England
This file contains detailed instructions on how to apply for a postal vote in England. It provides eligibility criteria and necessary steps for submission. Ensure to follow the guidelines to successfully cast your vote by mail.

Voting Rights
OVF 1 Revised 2022 Overseas Voting Application
This file is an application form for overseas voting in the Philippines. It contains personal information fields and instructions for submission. Ensure that all entries are in capital letters and accurately filled out.

Voting Rights
Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form Instructions
This file provides details and instructions for filling out the Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form, including contact information and how to submit the form. It includes the list of voter registration offices and steps to complete the application accurately.

Voting Rights
Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot Form - Instructions and Details
The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is a backup ballot available for eligible overseas voters or military personnel who do not receive their state absentee ballot. This form also serves as voter registration and absentee ballot request for certain states. This document includes comprehensive instructions on how to fill out and submit the FWAB.

Voting Rights
Register to Vote Using Postcard Form and Guide
This file provides vital instructions for U.S. citizens on how to register to vote using a postcard application. It outlines eligibility criteria, filling instructions, and submission guidelines. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to ensure your registration is processed.

Voting Rights
Application for Absentee Ballot - COVID-19 Guidelines
This form is for voters wishing to apply for an absentee ballot in the context of COVID-19. It gathers essential applicant information and reasons for absence. Complete this form to ensure your eligibility to vote during primary elections.

Voting Rights
Affidavit for Identification Card for Voting
This document serves as an affidavit for obtaining a free identification card for voting purposes in Georgia. It ensures eligibility without other forms of identification. Essential for registered voters who need proper identification to vote.

Voting Rights
Louisiana Voter Registration Application
The Louisiana Voter Registration Application allows citizens to register to vote in Louisiana. It provides options for changing personal information, including address and name changes. This application is important for ensuring you are eligible to vote in upcoming elections.