Civil Rights Documents

Voting Rights

Emergency Application for Absentee Ballot

This form is for voters to apply for an absentee ballot due to unforeseen circumstances. It is specifically designed for those unable to vote in person due to illness or disability. Ensure to complete and submit each application per election guidelines.

Voting Rights

Proxy Voting Application Form Instructions

This file provides essential instructions for applying to vote by proxy in England. It details the application process, eligibility requirements, and deadlines. Use this form to ensure your voice is heard even when you can't vote in person.

Voting Rights

Indiana Voter Registration Application Form

This document is the Indiana Voter Registration Application Form. It allows eligible residents to register to vote or update their voter information. Complete this form accurately to ensure your registration is processed smoothly.

Voting Rights

California Voter Registration Pre-Registration Guide

This file provides a quick guide to the California Voter Registration and Pre-Registration process. It includes detailed instructions on how to fill out the application and eligibility requirements. You will also find important election information and contact details.

Civil Rights Litigation

Comprehensive Imaging Work Order for Litigation

This Imaging Work Order form is crucial for firms involved in litigation services. It outlines details necessary for document imaging and reprographics. Proper completion ensures timely processing and delivery of documents.

Voting Rights

Kentucky Voter Registration Form Instructions

This file provides the necessary instructions for registering to vote in Kentucky. It outlines the process for changing your voter registration details. It is essential for eligible citizens who wish to participate in elections.

Voting Rights

Kentucky Mail-in Voter Registration Form Instructions

This document provides instructions for registering to vote in Kentucky. It includes essential details on eligibility, party registration, and submission. Follow the guidelines to ensure your application is completed correctly.

Voting Rights

New Jersey Voter Registration Application

The New Jersey Voter Registration Application allows you to register to vote, change your name or address, and declare a political party. This comprehensive form ensures that all necessary information is collected for voter registration. Follow the detailed instructions to complete the form correctly.

Voting Rights

Application for Overseas Voter Certification Philippines

This file provides guidelines for Filipinos abroad applying for registration and certification as overseas voters. It includes personal information fields, application types, and necessary directions for completion. It's essential for those wishing to participate in elections while living overseas.

Voting Rights

Register To Vote Using Postcard Form Instructions

This file provides detailed instructions for U.S. citizens on how to register to vote using a postcard application form. It includes eligibility criteria, instructions on filling out the form, and submission guidance. Essential for first-time voters and those updating their registration details.

Voting Rights

Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form Instructions

This file provides details and instructions for filling out the Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form, including contact information and how to submit the form. It includes the list of voter registration offices and steps to complete the application accurately.

Voting Rights

Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot Form - Instructions and Details

The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is a backup ballot available for eligible overseas voters or military personnel who do not receive their state absentee ballot. This form also serves as voter registration and absentee ballot request for certain states. This document includes comprehensive instructions on how to fill out and submit the FWAB.