K-12 Education Documents


School Leadership

FCCLA Leadership Planning Process Template

This document provides a comprehensive template for the FCCLA Leadership Planning Process. It outlines the steps and components required to effectively plan FCCLA events. This is an essential resource for FCCLA members and leaders.


School Counseling

Mount Carmel Area Elementary School 2014-2015 Discipline Policy

This file provides details about the after-school detention policy at Mount Carmel Area Elementary School, including reasons for detention, time schedules, and required parent actions.


School Counseling

Debbie Davis Counseling Informed Consent Document

This file provides important details regarding Debbie Davis's counseling services. It outlines the policies, client responsibilities, and procedures for informed consent. Users can also find essential information regarding confidentiality and client rights.


Student Assessments

Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function® (BRIEF®2) - Parent Form Interpretive Report

This file contains an interpretive report for the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function®, Second Edition (BRIEF®2) - Parent Form by PAR. It includes client information, validity data, and detailed analysis of the child's behavior based on the BRIEF®2 Parent Form. It's used by qualified professionals to assess executive function behaviors in children.


School Counseling

Power Middle School Picture Ordering Instructions

This document provides detailed ordering instructions for Power Middle School picture packages. It includes pricing information for various photo packages and personalization options. Ensure to follow the guidelines for timely order submission.


School Counseling

Anderson High School Class of 2024 Graduation Information

This file provides essential details and instructions for Anderson High School’s Class of 2024. It includes important dates, attendance guidelines, and contact information specific to the graduating class. Stay informed and on track for graduation with this comprehensive guide.


School Counseling

Challenger School Arrival and Departure Guide

This file provides detailed information on arrival and departure routines at Challenger School. It includes specific times, procedures, and safety guidelines. Parents can use it to plan their children's daily school drop-offs and pick-ups.


School Counseling

Soquel High School Cheerleader Registration Packet 2024-2025

This file contains important information for students considering applying for the cheerleader position at Soquel High School. It includes dates, costs, and instructions for tryouts and participation. Make sure to review and get parental approval before proceeding.


Student Assessments

The Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale Short Form

This file reviews the psychometric properties of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale-Second Edition Short Form in a sample of children and adolescents. It discusses gender and age differences in anxiety and measurement invariance across groups. Also, it examines the relation between general anxiety and test anxiety.


Student Assessments

Angular Developer Assessment: Form Builder & Renderer Instructions

This document is an Angular developer assessment that involves creating form builder and form renderer components with validation and data submission to an API endpoint. It includes detailed instructions, validation rules, and requirements for the implementation of the components. The content is intended for Angular Minds Pvt Ltd employees only.


Teacher Evaluations

VA Fiduciary Program Overview May 2021 for Veterans Benefits

This document provides an overview of the VA Fiduciary Program. It includes references, program details, and hub locations. Ideal for those interacting with VA fiduciary services.


School Counseling

New Haven Elementary School Excuse Note Form

This form is used by parents to excuse their child from attending New Haven Elementary. It includes sections for the reason of absence, such as being sick or having a doctor's appointment. Helps ensure proper documentation for school absences.