K-12 Education Documents

School Counseling
SPX School Portraits Order Form
This file is an SPX School Portraits Order Form that provides details about packages, additional items, image retouching, and contact information for queries.

School Counseling
Class of 2025 T-Shirt Order Form for SHS Freshmen
This file is a T-shirt order form specifically designed for SHS freshmen graduating in the class of 2025. It includes options to choose style, color, and size, and contains a QR code link for further details. The form is simple and user-friendly, aiming to streamline the ordering process for students.

School Counseling
Boston Latin School Store Order Form
Use this order form to purchase items from the Boston Latin School Store. Fill out the necessary details including payment and shipping information. Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing and shipping via UPS.

STEM Programs
NWT Youth Ambassadors Program 2023-2024 Application Guide
This file provides detailed instructions and requirements for applicants of the NWT Youth Ambassadors Program for 2023-2024. It includes eligibility criteria, application forms, and submission guidelines. The deadline to apply is September 15, 2023.

Teacher Evaluations
Department of Veterans Affairs Direct Deposit Enrollment Form
This form is used by the Department of Veterans Affairs to enroll or change direct deposit information for VA insurance benefits. The form is required to ensure proper deposit of government life insurance payments. It collects personal information such as name, address, and banking details.

School Counseling
School Photo Packages and Order Form
This file provides details about various school photo packages offered by Morin's Photo Studio. It includes package options, pricing, and additional products available. The form also outlines instructions for submitting orders.

School Counseling
Senior Picture & Ads for Grads Information 2021-2022
This file provides all necessary instructions and details for submitting senior pictures and Ads for Grads for Burgettstown Area High School yearbook 2021-2022. It includes guidelines, deadlines, and contact information for submission. Ensure you adhere to the outlined policies to avoid any issues.

STEM Programs
Connecting HomeBASE & ERAP: RAA Best Practices
This document provides guidelines and best practices for engaging in the HomeBASE and ERAP programs. It includes procedural steps and recommendations. Ideal for RAA managers and staff.

School Counseling
Mount Carmel Area Elementary School 2014-2015 Discipline Policy
This file provides details about the after-school detention policy at Mount Carmel Area Elementary School, including reasons for detention, time schedules, and required parent actions.

School Counseling
Soquel High School Cheerleader Registration Packet 2024-2025
This file contains important information for students considering applying for the cheerleader position at Soquel High School. It includes dates, costs, and instructions for tryouts and participation. Make sure to review and get parental approval before proceeding.

Student Assessments
The Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale Short Form
This file reviews the psychometric properties of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale-Second Edition Short Form in a sample of children and adolescents. It discusses gender and age differences in anxiety and measurement invariance across groups. Also, it examines the relation between general anxiety and test anxiety.

Student Assessments
Angular Developer Assessment: Form Builder & Renderer Instructions
This document is an Angular developer assessment that involves creating form builder and form renderer components with validation and data submission to an API endpoint. It includes detailed instructions, validation rules, and requirements for the implementation of the components. The content is intended for Angular Minds Pvt Ltd employees only.