Student Assessments Documents

Student Assessments
Functional Assessment Screening Tool Overview
The Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST) is designed to identify factors influencing problem behaviors. It's intended for initial screening as part of a comprehensive functional assessment. Administer the FAST to multiple individuals who have regular interactions with the subject.

Student Assessments
Preschool Evaluation Scale PES-2 Overview
The Preschool Evaluation Scale, Second Edition (PES-2) offers a comprehensive assessment of child development for children aged 0-72 months. This tool aids in early identification of developmental delays to implement effective intervention strategies. Educators, psychologists, and diagnosticians can utilize the PES-2 for accurate developmental insights.

Student Assessments
Travel Card Assessment 101 Exam Questions & Answers
This file contains questions and answers for Travel Card Assessment 101. It covers benefits, account types, situations requiring restricted cards, and preparation steps.

Student Assessments
Career Planning Process Guidelines for Students
This document guides students through the career planning process from freshman year to senior year. It helps them assess their interests, develop skills, and find career opportunities. It also provides advice on how to make the most of career development resources.

Student Assessments
Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales
The Conners CBRS is a multi-informant assessment tool designed to evaluate various behavioral issues in children and adolescents. It assists psychologists in diagnosing disorders and planning interventions. Ideal for parents and professionals needing comprehensive child assessment.

Student Assessments
UNT Student Library Job Application Guide
A step-by-step guide for UNT students looking to apply for student assistant positions at the library through UNT Handshake. Includes tips and necessary materials for a successful application.

Student Assessments
NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale Teacher Informant
The NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for teachers is a tool to evaluate children's behaviors. It assists in identifying symptoms of ADHD and other related issues. Teachers can provide feedback on the child's performance and behavior in the classroom setting.

Student Assessments
Angular Developer Assessment: Form Builder & Renderer Instructions
This document is an Angular developer assessment that involves creating form builder and form renderer components with validation and data submission to an API endpoint. It includes detailed instructions, validation rules, and requirements for the implementation of the components. The content is intended for Angular Minds Pvt Ltd employees only.

Student Assessments
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function® (BRIEF®2) - Parent Form Interpretive Report
This file contains an interpretive report for the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function®, Second Edition (BRIEF®2) - Parent Form by PAR. It includes client information, validity data, and detailed analysis of the child's behavior based on the BRIEF®2 Parent Form. It's used by qualified professionals to assess executive function behaviors in children.

Student Assessments
The Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale Short Form
This file reviews the psychometric properties of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale-Second Edition Short Form in a sample of children and adolescents. It discusses gender and age differences in anxiety and measurement invariance across groups. Also, it examines the relation between general anxiety and test anxiety.

Student Assessments
NYIT Writing Center Assessment Report 2016-2017
This report summarizes the assessment process and data of the Writing Center at NYIT's Old Westbury Campus for the academic year 2016-2017. It includes statistics on student majors, appointments, and feedback from tutoring sessions. Details on the actions planned to address the findings are also provided.

Student Assessments
Psychometric Properties of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
This file evaluates the psychometric properties of the German translation of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X). It covers its reliability, validity, and norms, making it essential for researchers and practitioners. The content is suitable for anyone interested in transformational and transactional leadership.