Sports Science Documents

Sports Psychology

Sexist Humour and Gender Stereotypes Explored

This document investigates the impact of sexist humor on gender stereotypes and sexual attitudes. It aims to enhance understanding of female objectification and sexual harassment beliefs. A crucial read for psychology students and professionals.

Sports Psychology

Psychologys History and Approaches Overview

This file provides a comprehensive overview of psychologys history, major questions, and modern approaches. It explores key figures, theories, and contemporary applications in psychology. Ideal for students and professionals looking to deepen their understanding of psychological science.

Sports Psychology

Cognitive Triangle Worksheet Instructions and Details

This file provides an overview and detailed instructions on how to use the Cognitive Triangle Worksheet. It helps users understand the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Perfect for those interested in cognitive-behavioral strategies.

Sports Psychology

MMPI-2 Interpretation Guidelines and Instructions

This document provides detailed instructions for the administration and scoring of the MMPI-2 test. It also includes interpretation guidelines for various scales and scores. These insights can benefit psychologists, clinicians, and researchers in understanding client profiles.

Sports Psychology

Understanding Form and Form-Perception by James J. Gibson

This document explores various definitions and theories of form, emphasizing the need for precise terminology. It delves into experiments related to the visual perception of form, distinguishing between solid and surface forms. The text critiques traditional views and presents new perspectives on form-perception.

Sports Psychology

Essential Guide to Offender Profiling

This file provides comprehensive insights on offender profiling, including its history, methodologies, and critiques. It explores both American and British approaches to profiling with key examples and case studies. Perfect for students and professionals interested in criminology and psychology.

Sports Psychology

Social Support Questionnaire Insights and Instructions

This file contains the Social Support Questionnaire, a vital tool for assessing social support perceptions. The document includes detailed instructions for filling out the questionnaire effectively, along with relevant research articles. Ideal for individuals and professionals looking to understand the significance of social support in psychological well-being.

Sports Psychology

Mental Health Continuum Short Form Overview

This file provides a comprehensive overview of the Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC-SF). It includes details about its structure, use cases, and validation across different populations. Perfect for researchers and practitioners looking to measure mental health effectively.

Sports Psychology

MMPI-2 Answer Sheet Instructions and Details

This MMPI-2 answer sheet is designed for psychological assessments. Users should follow the instructions carefully to ensure accurate results. The document contains various fields that need to be filled out meticulously.

Goal Setting

SMART Objectives and Effective Goal Setting

This file provides essential tips for writing SMART objectives, distinguishing between goals and objectives, and outlines practical examples. Users will find guidance on setting achievable, realistic, and time-bound objectives to enhance project outcomes. It is an invaluable resource for professionals seeking to refine their goal-setting processes.

Muscle Recovery

USC Electronic Resources Account Application

This file contains the application form for USC's electronic resources, specifically designed for USC Health Sciences affiliates. It provides guidelines on how to fill out the application accurately to gain access to essential university resources. Ensure you include all necessary documentation to avoid delays in processing.

Performance Testing

Accounting for User Abandonment in Performance Tests

This file explores user abandonment in performance testing. It discusses the psychology behind why users abandon websites due to poor performance. Learn how to build effective user abandonment models.