Religious Organizations Documents

Volunteer Outreach

Volunteer Agreement Terms and Instructions

This file contains the necessary terms, conditions, and instructions for volunteers at UW-Madison. It includes responsibilities, time commitment, insurance information, and ID card details. Volunteers are also advised to maintain their own health insurance.

Membership Records

South Carolina Retail Association 2016 Membership Application

The South Carolina Retail Association 2016 Membership Application allows businesses to apply for membership. Fill out the form with your relevant details and choose your trade category. Select the communication topics you are interested in and complete the payment information.

Fundraising Events

CB Group UWI 5K & Smart Eggs Kids K Virtual Run 2020

The CB Group UWI Virtual Run is an annual fundraiser event for The University of the West Indies Scholarship Programme. Participants can run or walk anytime and anywhere during November 2020. The event supports education and sports development through scholarships.

Fundraising Events

TGIF Raffle Ticket Tracking Sheet - Detailed Instructions & Information

The TGIF Raffle Ticket Tracking Sheet is designed to help you keep track of raffle ticket sales and participant information. It includes sections for recording ticket purchases, drawing dates, and winner announcements. Use this sheet to ensure all entries are accurately recorded and easily accessible.

Faith-Based Nonprofits

8 Free Donation Card Templates to Help You Raise More

This file provides eight free, customizable donation card templates to help nonprofits raise more funds. It highlights different types of donation cards and their essential components. Use this guide to create effective donation cards for your fundraising efforts.

Youth Ministry

Wedding Coordinator Ministry Position Description for Archdiocese of Toronto

This file describes the role, responsibilities, qualifications, personal traits, and other specifics for the Wedding Coordinator position in the Archdiocese of Toronto. It includes activities, skills, experience, training, support, evaluation, benefits, and working conditions. The document outlines how to fill out the necessary forms and provides information about the screening requirements.

Fundraising Events

Tarrant Events Center Liability Waiver and Release Form

The Tarrant Events Center Liability Waiver and Release Form is a legal document outlining the terms and conditions related to the consumption of alcohol, food safety, and COVID-19 risks for events held at the venue. Users must acknowledge their responsibilities and liabilities while attending events at the location. This form protects Tarrant Events Center and its representatives from claims arising from intoxication, food handling issues, and COVID-19 infections.

Fundraising Events

Lawyers Have Heart 10K, 5K & Fun Walk Event Waiver Form

This file is the registration and waivers form for the Lawyers Have Heart 10K, 5K & Fun Walk event. It includes participant details, emergency contact, and liability waiver. Make sure to fill it out completely and carefully before submission.

Charity Programs

Gap Foundation Gift Match and Money for Time Guidelines

This file details the guidelines and application process for the Gap Foundation's Gift Match and Money for Time programs. It includes eligibility criteria, application instructions, and contact information for further assistance. Employees can use this document to match their monetary contributions or volunteer hours with donations from the Gap Foundation.

Membership Records

BM Hotels and Resorts Membership Form and Policies

This file provides details and instructions for BM Hotels and Resorts membership registration. It includes membership categories, rules, and regulations. Ensure to read and follow all guidelines for a smooth membership experience.

Fundraising Events

Popcornopolis Fundraising Form for Gahr Band Boosters

This file is a fundraising order form for the Gahr Instrumental Music Program, featuring various flavors of Popcornopolis popcorn. It includes details on product pricing, quantities, and instructions for submitting orders. Use this form to support the band program and enjoy delicious popcorn.

Church Services

Connections Church Strategic Plan 2020-2024

This file lays out the strategic plan for Connections Church from 2020 to 2024. It encompasses the mission, vision, and actionable strategies to grow and connect the community. It includes connecting with God, with people, and the world, along with the goals for discipleship and outreach.