Fundraising Events Documents

Fundraising Events
Bluewater Beef Fundraiser Order Form
This file is a fundraiser order form for Bluewater Beef, providing detailed instructions for ordering beef fundraiser packs. It includes options for a full pack or mini pack, pricing, and contact information for orders. Additionally, the form highlights the benefits of Bluewater Beef and organizational contributions.

Fundraising Events
Ultimate Wedding Guest List - Bellus Designs
This Wedding Guest List template helps you manage your wedding invitations and guest seating efficiently. It includes fields for guest names, meal choices, and gift tracking. Perfect for ensuring a smooth and organized wedding event.

Fundraising Events
CB Group UWI 5K & Smart Eggs Kids K Virtual Run 2020
The CB Group UWI Virtual Run is an annual fundraiser event for The University of the West Indies Scholarship Programme. Participants can run or walk anytime and anywhere during November 2020. The event supports education and sports development through scholarships.

Fundraising Events
Personalized Wedding Invitations and Stationery
This file provides a comprehensive guide for creating custom wedding invitations and stationery. It includes templates and instructions for various occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and baby announcements. Perfect for anyone looking to add a personal touch to their special events.

Fundraising Events
ISA 28th Session Administrative Note 2023
This file contains administrative notes for the 28th session of the International Seabed Authority held in 2023. It includes contact information, travel guidelines, transportation services, and lunch options. Delegates are provided with essential details to facilitate their participation.

Fundraising Events
Lawyers Have Heart 10K, 5K & Fun Walk Event Waiver Form
This file is the registration and waivers form for the Lawyers Have Heart 10K, 5K & Fun Walk event. It includes participant details, emergency contact, and liability waiver. Make sure to fill it out completely and carefully before submission.

Fundraising Events
Blackbaud Online Express Overview
Blackbaud Online Express is a cloud-based online fundraising and marketing tool integrated with The Raiser's Edge. It offers features like online fundraising, email marketing, and dashboard metrics to help nonprofits. The tool is user-friendly with pre-designed templates and a drag-and-drop editor.

Fundraising Events
Fundraising Wholesale Order Form for Pinecrest Tree Farm
This PDF file is used for placing wholesale fundraising orders at Pinecrest Tree Farm. It includes sections for contact information, product order quantities, and pricing details. Suitable for managing wreath and swag orders.

Fundraising Events
TGIF Raffle Ticket Tracking Sheet - Detailed Instructions & Information
The TGIF Raffle Ticket Tracking Sheet is designed to help you keep track of raffle ticket sales and participant information. It includes sections for recording ticket purchases, drawing dates, and winner announcements. Use this sheet to ensure all entries are accurately recorded and easily accessible.

Fundraising Events
2018 Multi-State Convention Sponsorship and Registration Form
This document provides details about the 2018 Multi-State Convention including sponsorship opportunities, registration forms, and event information for Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee Manufactured Housing Associations.

Fundraising Events
HOG Rally Poker Run and Card Drawing Rules
This document contains the rules and tally sheets for the Harley Owners Group (HOG) Rally Poker Run using multiple stops and picking all 5 cards from a single deck at one location. It ensures fair play by preventing duplicate cards and provides guidelines for ties and judges' final decisions. Important sections included are Personal Information fields, Possible Poker Hands, and Rules for Rally Poker Run and Picking Cards.

Fundraising Events
Scouting Popcorn Sale Instructions and Guidelines
This file contains essential instructions and guidelines for the Popcorn Sale within the Boy Scouts of America. It covers the sales process, products offered, and tips for successful sales. Ideal for local scouting units and leaders aiming to maximize their fundraising efforts.