Public Health Documents

Public Health Funding
Disability Dance Artistry Fellowship Program 2023
This guide provides essential information for the Disability Dance Artistry Fellowship applicants. It includes application instructions and eligibility criteria. Perfect for dance workers with disabilities seeking funding for their projects.

Public Health Funding
Reaching Home Concept Application Form Instructions
This file provides instructions and details for the Reaching Home Concept Application Form. It outlines the necessary information and submission guidelines for applicants. Essential for organizations seeking funding from Employment and Social Development Canada.

Public Health Funding
Funding Application for Calfornians For All Corps
This file details the funding opportunity for the #CaliforniansForAll Youth Service Corps. It includes application instructions, timelines, and contact information. Ideal for organizations looking to apply for state funds.

Public Health Funding
Welsh Assembly Government Communities First Evaluation
This document summarizes the evaluation of the Communities First Trust Fund commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government. It highlights key findings, purpose, and recommendations based on comprehensive research. Intended for community stakeholders and researchers interested in social capital and community development.

Public Health Funding
Application for Grant Amounts from Economic Development Fund
This application form is for individuals and groups seeking grant amounts from the Economic Development Fund. Proper completion is essential to ensure consideration. Ensure all required attachments are submitted along with your application.

Public Health Funding
Capital Expenditure Justification Form
This file is used to justify any ARPA allocation that includes capital expenditures, and the total capital project cost is $1 million or more. It outlines the harm or need to be addressed, why capital expenditures are necessary, and compares alternative projects.

Health Economics
Economics: Business Organizations and Tax Information
This file provides an in-depth overview of business organizations and the various types of business taxes. Readers will learn about different business formats such as Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, and Franchise, along with advantages and disadvantages of each. It also covers key aspects of business taxes.

Healthcare Legislation
Request to Amend House Bill 1500 Details and Instructions
This file contains essential amendments and instructions pertaining to House Bill 1500. It outlines significant changes and funding allocations for various departments and services. Understanding this document is crucial for stakeholders involved in legislative processes.

Health Economics
Lagom regiO: Multi-Agent Economic Model Overview
This document outlines the Lagom regiO model, a multi-agent economic model designed to represent various economic regions and their interactions. It details the model's structure, agent categories, and applications in economic research. The paper is intended for researchers and policymakers interested in agent-based modeling.

Health Economics
Economic Review Manuscript Peer Review Request
This file is a draft manuscript seeking peer review. It aims to gather feedback on economic research for publication. The manuscript addresses timely and important economic and social science topics.

Public Health Funding
Vodacom Foundation Funding Guidelines and Application
This file outlines the Vodacom Foundation's funding strategies, application process, and eligibility criteria. It serves as a comprehensive guide for South African charities seeking financial support in health, education, and safety. Clear instructions on how to apply and the types of projects funded are provided to assist potential applicants.

Public Health Funding
Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative Guide
This file provides comprehensive information about the Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative, including funding criteria and processes. It is a resource for organizations seeking support for immigrant and refugee initiatives in Oregon. Learn how to apply for funding and understand the collaborative's objectives.