Healthcare Policy Documents

Health Economics
Predicting Recessions and Growth with Financial Indicators
This file examines recession and growth predictions using key financial indicators. It includes data analysis and comparative studies across countries. Ideal for economists, policymakers, and financial analysts.

Public Health Funding
GMS 11th CFP Application Process Guide
This guide provides detailed instructions for completing the GMS 11th CFP application process. It is designed for applicants and partners involved in the Jobs Fund Call for Proposals. Follow the steps outlined here to ensure a successful submission.

Public Health Funding
NSF Regional Innovation Engines Program Details
This file contains essential information about the NSF's Regional Innovation Engines Program. It includes key points on awards, budgeting, and eligibility requirements. Users can learn how to navigate the application process and understand funding opportunities.

Public Health Funding
Annual Awards Program for Tribal Climate Resilience
This file contains details about the Annual Awards Program aimed at supporting Tribal climate resilience initiatives. It provides information on eligibility criteria, funding limitations, and application procedures for federally recognized tribes and authorized tribal organizations. This is a crucial resource for tribes looking to enhance their climate resilience planning and strategy implementation.

Public Health Funding
Urban Mobility Guidelines for Applicants 2024
This document provides comprehensive guidelines for applicants to the EIT Urban Mobility programs. It includes details about eligibility, application process, and support offered. A must-read for entrepreneurs in the urban mobility sector.

Health Economics
Lagom regiO: Multi-Agent Economic Model Overview
This document outlines the Lagom regiO model, a multi-agent economic model designed to represent various economic regions and their interactions. It details the model's structure, agent categories, and applications in economic research. The paper is intended for researchers and policymakers interested in agent-based modeling.

Public Health Funding
ICSU Grants Programme Application Form 2012
This file contains the application form for the ICSU Grants Programme 2012. It includes information regarding submission deadlines and eligible applicants. This form is essential for those seeking funding for scientific research in Africa.

Public Health Funding
Capital Expenditure Justification Form
This file is used to justify any ARPA allocation that includes capital expenditures, and the total capital project cost is $1 million or more. It outlines the harm or need to be addressed, why capital expenditures are necessary, and compares alternative projects.

Health Economics
Economics: Business Organizations and Tax Information
This file provides an in-depth overview of business organizations and the various types of business taxes. Readers will learn about different business formats such as Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, and Franchise, along with advantages and disadvantages of each. It also covers key aspects of business taxes.

Public Health Funding
Danish Refugee Council Diaspora Project Guidelines
This document provides comprehensive guidelines on applying for funding to implement diaspora-led projects. It covers eligibility, application processes, and available funding tracks. Ideal for Afghan and Somali diaspora in Denmark seeking support for development initiatives.

Public Health Funding
Funding Applications Toolkit Insights and Tips
This file provides a comprehensive toolkit for understanding what funders expect in applications. Learn key strategies to enhance your funding submissions and avoid common pitfalls. It's an indispensable resource for organizations seeking funding support.

Healthcare Legislation
Wyoming Secretary of State Proposed Bill Format Template
This file provides a template for constructing proposed initiated laws in Wyoming. It outlines the required section formats and guidelines for amendments. Users can refer to this document for a comprehensive understanding of legislative formatting.