Legal Documents

Order on Media Request to Permit Coverage Form MC-510
This file contains the official order form for media requests to permit coverage in court proceedings. It details the conditions under which media coverage is granted or denied. It also lists the factors considered by the judge and the prohibited coverage conditions.

Ninth Circuit Court Form 32 Instructions
This document provides detailed instructions for completing and submitting Form 32 in response to a Notice of Case Being Considered for Oral Argument in the Ninth Circuit Court. It includes information on who should file, when and how to file, and how to handle irreconcilable conflicts. Key dates and contact information for feedback or questions are also provided.

Motion for Expungement of Protection Order Records
This document is used to request the expungement of records related to an emergency or temporary order of protection in Kentucky. It must be filed six months after case dismissal and when no protection orders have been in effect. The motion also sets a date for a hearing.

Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale
This file is a Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale used for transferring ownership of a vehicle from seller to buyer. It includes details such as the amount of sale, buyer's and seller's information, and vehicle specifics. It also contains disclaimers and terms of sale.

Virginia Beach Circuit Court Annulment Procedures
This document provides detailed procedures for filing an annulment in the Virginia Beach Circuit Court. It includes instructions for both contested and uncontested annulments, necessary forms, and the required steps for preparing and submitting legal documents to the court. It also outlines the responsibilities of parties proceeding without legal representation.

Texas Crime Information Center Protective Orders Data Entry
This form is used by Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Officials for entering protective orders into the Texas Crime Information Center. It collects pertinent information about the respondent and protected person. The form ensures accurate and efficient data entry.

Georgia Last Will and Testament Form
This document is a legally binding Georgia Last Will and Testament Form pursuant to Title 53. It provides directives for the distribution of your estate after death. The form includes information on personal representatives, beneficiaries, and other key details.

Motor Vehicle Sale Promissory Note Form
This file is a promissory note for the sale of a motor vehicle. It includes details such as the amount due, due dates, interest rate, and late payment terms. The form also outlines the security interest, title transfer conditions, and the rights of the buyer and seller.

Advance Directive NC - Practical Health Care Form
This file provides a practical guide for adults in North Carolina to communicate their health care wishes via an advance directive. It includes a health care power of attorney, a living will, and instructions to complete the document legally. Consult a legal expert to ensure the document's validity.

Residential Lease Agreement for Single Family Home or Duplex
This file is a residential lease agreement for a single family home or duplex. It covers legal obligations, rents, and duration of tenancy. It includes instructions for tenants and landlords in Florida.

DNR Bill of Sale for Non-Titled Boats, ATVs, and Snowmobiles
This DNR Bill of Sale form is used for the sale and transfer of non-titled boats, snowmobiles, and ATVs in Minnesota. It includes sections for vehicle description, seller information, and buyer information. Both parties must sign to complete the sale.

Copyright Registration Form TX Instructions
This form is used for the registration of nondramatic literary works, such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, textbooks, and computer programs. It provides detailed information on how to complete the form, including what information is required for each section and how to submit the application. Use it to ensure your work is properly registered for copyright protection.