Legal Documents


Small Claims Forms Instructions and Details

This document provides detailed instructions and necessary forms for filing small claims in North Carolina. It includes various complaint forms and judgments related to money owed, summary ejectment, and possession of personal property. This comprehensive guide is a must-have for anyone involved in small claims court.


Crimes Against Probate: A Study on Wills Misconduct

This file provides an in-depth analysis of misconduct that affects wills, proposing new forms of criminal and civil liabilities. It critiques current deterrents and suggests better theoretical frameworks. A must-read for policymakers and legal professionals.


First Amendment to Back-Up Third Party Servicing Agreement

The First Amendment to the Back-Up Third Party Servicing Agreement between PHEAA and MOHELA outlines changes to the terms and conditions of their original agreement. It includes updates on taxable notes issuance and servicing of student loans. The amendment ensures clarity and mutual consent.


Powers of Attorney Information Document

This document provides detailed information about the different types of Powers of Attorney (POA), their uses, and the risks associated with them. It includes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on how to use and fill out a POA. Essential information about general and special POAs is also included.


Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure Form

This form is used by parties in a family law case to waive the requirements of a final declaration of disclosure. It includes details about compliance with preliminary declarations of disclosure, income and expense declarations, and other legal disclosure obligations. Both parties must sign under penalty of perjury.


Dependency vs. Guardianship: Key Information on Filing

This file outlines important details about filing a dependency petition including differences between dependency and guardianship, court processes, and legal guidelines. It provides instructions, forms, and support resources necessary to file a dependency petition effectively.


New Client Intake Form - Chad Barr Law

This file contains a detailed intake form for new clients at Chad Barr Law. The form gathers essential personal, accident, and insurance information for legal purposes. It helps the law firm to efficiently manage new client cases.


Application for Family Reunification for Spouses in Denmark

This file is an application form for family reunification in Denmark when the spouse living in Denmark has asylum. It provides information on how to apply, required documents, and the process involved. The form is required to be submitted to the Danish Immigration Service or a Danish diplomatic mission.


Recreational Vehicle (RV) Bill of Sale Form

This Recreational Vehicle (RV) Bill of Sale form outlines the terms and conditions of the sale between the buyer and seller. It includes vehicle details such as make, model, and VIN. The document also contains sections for signatures and notary acknowledgment.


Tax Court Subpoena Ad Testificandum Form

This document is a Tax Court Subpoena Ad Testificandum form used to request someone's testimony in court. It includes sections to fill out plaintiff and attorney information, details about the court hearing, and proof of service. Failure to comply with the subpoena may result in legal penalties.


Circuit Court Deed Fee Schedule 2019

This file contains the Circuit Court Deed Fee Schedule for 2019, including example land record transactions and associated fees and taxes. It provides a comprehensive list of fees for various agreements, affidavits, and deeds. This file is essential for understanding the costs associated with deed transactions.


Copyright Registration Form TX Instructions

This form is used for the registration of nondramatic literary works, such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, textbooks, and computer programs. It provides detailed information on how to complete the form, including what information is required for each section and how to submit the application. Use it to ensure your work is properly registered for copyright protection.