Legal Forms Documents

Legal Templates

Create a Thank You Card – Easy Steps to Follow

This file provides a step-by-step guide to creating a heartfelt thank you card. Users can follow simple instructions to design a personalized card for someone special. Perfect for expressing gratitude in a creative way.

Eviction Notices

Notice of Late Assessment Payment Reminder

This file contains important information regarding overdue assessment payments. It serves as a formal notice to the property owner to settle outstanding dues promptly. Use this document to understand your payment obligations and related fees.


Comments from EFF and Public Knowledge on USPTO

This file contains comments from the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Public Knowledge regarding submission topics for the USPTO quality case studies.

Design Patents

Elements and Principles of Design Help Sheet

This file provides guidance on design elements and principles. It covers aspects such as color, line, texture, and space. Ideal for students and individuals interested in design.


Patents Act Form 3 Statement and Undertaking

This file provides a standardized form for applicants to declare their patent applications under the Patents Act 1970. It outlines the necessary details and commitments regarding the patent application process. Use this form to ensure compliance with Indian patent filing requirements.

Legal Templates

Printable Sign Up Sheet Template for Events

This printable sign-up sheet template helps organizations collect attendee details for events efficiently. It includes essential fields for participant information and event details. Use this template to streamline your RSVP process and improve attendance tracking.

Legal Waivers

Stepping Stones Trampoline Waiver Form

This form grants permission for children to use the trampoline at Stepping Stones Early Learning Center. It outlines the rules and acknowledges the risks involved. Parents must sign to confirm understanding and acceptance of the trampoline usage guidelines.

Legal Templates

User Manual for ACM MS Word Template Version 2.2

This user manual provides comprehensive instructions for using the ACM MS Word template. It covers installation, prerequisites, document design, and styling guidelines. Ideal for researchers and authors preparing manuscripts for ACM publication.


Provisional Patent Application Cover Sheet - Instructions

This file is a cover sheet for a provisional patent application under 37 CFR 1.53(c). It includes inventor details, invention title, correspondence address, fees due, and payment methods.

Authorization Forms

Delta Dental Authorization for Health Information Disclosure

This document is a form for authorizing the disclosure of protected health information by Delta Dental to specified recipients. It includes sections to detail the purpose of the disclosure, recipient information, and the types of health information to be disclosed. Users must complete all applicable sections, sign, and date the form.

Legal Templates

Free Monthly Menu Planner Templates for Your Meal Planning

This file offers a variety of free monthly menu planner templates to help you organize your meals effectively. You can choose from printable and digital versions that cater to your specific needs. Whether you prefer a weekly or monthly format, you'll find templates designed to simplify your meal planning process.

HOA Documents

Roundtree HOA Special Assessment Ballot Proxy

This file contains the ballot and proxy form for the proposed special assessment by the Roundtree Homeowners Association. It details the assessment amount for various pool and facility upgrades, as well as crucial voting instructions. Homeowners must complete and submit it by the specified deadline to register their votes.