Wellness & Preventive Care Documents


Mental Health

Illinois Application for Voluntary Admission

This application is essential for individuals seeking voluntary admission to a mental health facility in Illinois. It ensures informed consent for the admission process while protecting your rights. Users can easily fill out this form to initiate the admission process.


Fitness Guides

Do-It-Yourself Forms Guide - Blackbaud

This guide offers detailed instructions on creating and managing Do-It-Yourself forms using Blackbaud's eTapestry. It covers linking BBMS accounts, setting up templates, and managing transactions. Suitable for users who need to manage forms for events and donations.


Fitness Guides

Personal Training Intake Form

This Personal Training Intake Form is designed to gather important information from clients seeking personal training services. It includes sections on personal information, fitness goals, health disclosures, and other essential details to tailor a fitness program. Completing this form accurately will help trainers create a personalized training plan.


Fitness Guides

Informed Consent - Massage Therapy: Benefits and Risks

This file outlines the benefits and risks of massage therapy, confidentiality and release of information, and informed consent. It is essential for participants to understand and acknowledge these details before participating in the massage therapy program. The form includes sections for client, guardian, and massage therapist signatures.


Fitness Guides

The Cuddle Guide: Creating Amazing Cuddle Experiences

This guide offers insights into the world of cuddling, providing detailed instructions for creating an enjoyable cuddle experience. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned cuddlers seeking to enhance their connection. Dive in to explore the importance of non-sexual touch and learn practical tips for successful cuddling.


Fitness Guides

Export and Import Data Using Adobe Reader and Acrobat

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to export and import data using Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. It explains each step to ensure users can easily transfer their data between forms. Perfect for users who need to handle data migration within PDF forms.


Fitness Guides

Getting Started with Blackbaud Online Express

This guide helps Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge users to create test donation forms and emails using Online Express quickly and efficiently. It provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and customizing donation forms and email templates. Learn to leverage Blackbaud's features to enhance your nonprofit's online giving, email marketing, and event planning.


Fitness Guides

Personal Training Program Guide for TAMIU

This file offers detailed instructions and guidance for TAMIU's personal training program, including client and trainer responsibilities, informed consent, and nutritional guidance.



Child Management Associates Weekly Menu PDF

This file contains detailed meal menus for children of all ages, including breakfast, lunch, snacks, and supper. Use it to ensure proper nutrition for children in your care. The menus comply with CACFP guidelines.


Fitness Guides

ClassMarker Certificate Design User Guide

This user guide provides detailed instructions on how to customize certificates using ClassMarker. It includes steps for adding text, images, and backgrounds, as well as selecting certificate formats. Ideal for users who need to create personalized certificates quickly and efficiently.


Health Coaching

Wheel of Life Template for Personal Growth

This Wheel of Life template helps individuals assess their satisfaction in various life areas. It encourages self-awareness and personal balance. Use this tool to set goals and prioritize your life's focus.


Fitness Guides

Barbell Hip Thrust Technique for Strength Training

This file provides detailed instructions and techniques for performing the barbell hip thrust exercise. It includes information about muscle activation, form, and exercise prescriptions. This resource is essential for anyone looking to enhance their gluteal strength and performance safely.