Mental Health Documents

Mental Health

Illinois Application for Voluntary Admission

This application is essential for individuals seeking voluntary admission to a mental health facility in Illinois. It ensures informed consent for the admission process while protecting your rights. Users can easily fill out this form to initiate the admission process.

Mental Health

Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5

This file contains the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) which is designed for diagnostic assessment of PTSD symptoms. It includes instructions for administration, scoring, and understanding PTSD symptoms. Utilize this standardized tool for reliable and valid assessments.

Mental Health

Patient Safety Plan: A Comprehensive Guide

The Patient Safety Plan is an essential document for individuals at risk of emotional crises. It outlines the necessary steps and support systems to help maintain mental well-being. This form encourages proactive engagement in personal safety strategies and access to support networks.

Mental Health

GAD-7 Anxiety Assessment Tool Instructions

This document provides detailed instructions for using the GAD-7 anxiety assessment tool. It includes guidelines on how to fill out the form effectively. Ideal for mental health professionals and patients seeking to understand anxiety symptoms.

Mental Health

RCFC Society Membership Application Form

The RCFC Society Membership Application Form is designed for mental health consumers seeking membership in the Richmond Mental Health Consumer and Friends' Society. This form provides detailed information about membership types, benefits, and how to apply. Fill it out to get involved and access supportive resources in your community.

Mental Health

Therapeutic Separation Guidelines: Clear Agreements

This document provides guidelines for couples considering a therapeutic separation. It outlines key questions to address and offers a structured approach for navigating this challenging time. Couples can use these guidelines to promote healing and recovery while maintaining clarity and communication.

Mental Health

Grounding Strategies for Emotional Control

This document provides grounding techniques to help manage emotional distress. It includes mental, physical, and soothing grounding methods. Use these strategies to create personal calm and regain control over your feelings.

Mental Health

Client Intake Questionnaire - Confidential Information

This Client Intake Questionnaire is designed to gather personal and mental health information for initial therapy sessions. Please fill out the form accurately and bring it to your first session. The information provided is confidential.

Mental Health

CAMS Suicide Status Form-4 Overview

The CAMS Suicide Status Form-4 is designed to assess suicidal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in patients. It facilitates a structured conversation between clinicians and patients about suicidal ideation. This form provides valuable insights into the patient's mental health to enhance treatment planning.

Mental Health

LOCUS Implementation and Practical Application Guide

This document provides an overview of the Level of Care Utilization System (LOCUS) and its practical application. It includes training agendas, scoring methods, and case vignettes to enhance understanding. Ideal for mental health professionals seeking structured care assessments.

Mental Health

Functional Assessment Rating Scale Manual - FARS

This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for using the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS). It includes instructions for filling out the rating scale and provides an overview of its applications. Designed for healthcare professionals, this resource ensures accurate assessment and effective treatment planning.

Mental Health

APA Resource Document on Emotional Support Animals

This resource document provides crucial insights into the clinical, ethical, and legal considerations surrounding emotional support animals (ESAs). It details relevant federal and state laws, and offers an overview tailored for psychiatrists. Ideal for professionals seeking to understand the complexities of ESA documentation.