Health & Wellness Documents

Mental Health Records

Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information

This file is an Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information form used for releasing health records. It enables patients to authorize the release of their medical information to designated individuals or institutions. Understanding and completing this form correctly is crucial for ensuring proper disclosure of your health information.

Yoga Classes

Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hour Certificate Program

This document contains an application for a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program. It includes details about the program, application instructions, and important information for potential students. Ideal for those looking to deepen their yoga practice or start a teaching career.

Substance Abuse Counseling

Heroin Drug Fact Sheet and Usage Information

This file provides vital information regarding heroin, its effects, and legal status. Understand the risks of heroin use and its impact on health. Essential reading for anyone seeking to understand this addictive substance.

Behavioral Tracking

Internal Call Tracking Sheet Details and Instructions

The Internal Call Tracking Sheet assists businesses in maintaining organized call records. This file allows easy tracking of customer calls for better service. Use this document to streamline your internal communication and enhance customer relations.

Mental Health Records

OHSU Authorization to Use and Disclose Health Information

This file serves as an authorization form for protecting and disclosing health information. Users can grant permissions for sharing medical records. Necessary fields must be completed for validity.

Mental Health Records

Northwestern Medicine Medical Record Amendment Form

This document provides instructions for amending your medical record. It outlines the necessary steps to submit a request to Northwestern Medicine Health Information Management. Ensure to follow the guidelines for a successful amendment process.

Diagnostic Tests

Overview of the GRE General Test and Instructions

This file provides an overview of the GRE General Test including registration tips, what to expect on test day, and preparation resources. Ideal for test-takers and educators looking to understand the GRE better. It outlines essential details and valuable strategies to help you succeed.

Substance Abuse Counseling

Cocaine Drug Fact Sheet Overview and Information

This file provides essential information regarding cocaine, including its effects, origins, and legal status. It serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding cocaine abuse and its potential health risks. Perfect for educational purposes, research, or counseling.

Rehabilitation Services

Using Adventure Therapy to Assess Adlerian Lifestyle

This file explores using Adventure Therapy to assess the Adlerian lifestyle. It details Adlerian theory and traditional methods of lifestyle assessment. Includes a creative approach using Ubuntu cards.

Behavioral Tracking

Mileage Log and IRS-Proof Mileage Log

This file is a comprehensive mileage log for tracking vehicle mileage. It is IRS-proof and includes fields for date, vehicle, odometer readings, mileage from start to end, etc. Essential for accurate mileage tracking.

Mental Health Records

Columbus State Community College Health Record

This Health Record form is essential for documenting required Tuberculosis testing for students at Columbus State Community College. Proper completion of this form ensures compliance with public health regulations. The form includes details on testing procedures, results, and necessary follow-up actions.

Diagnostic Tests

IELTS Application Form and Test Instructions

This PDF contains essential details for the IELTS application process. It provides instructions on filling out the application form and important information regarding test modules. Ideal for candidates preparing for the IELTS test.