Defense Documents

Military Training
Equipment Receipt Form – DA PAM 710-2-1
This equipment receipt form is essential for documenting the receipt of military equipment. It contains important fields for unit identification, item description, and recipient information. Proper completion ensures accountability and compliance with military regulations.

CALUSOURCE Collaborative Procurement Guide
This file is a quick reference guide for using the CALUSOURCE platform for collaborative procurement. It includes instructions on selecting and modifying contract language using SMART templates. The guide is designed to help users efficiently manage and author contract documents.

Change Order Request Form for CSUDH Procurement
This document serves as a Change Order Request Form for increasing funds or altering goods and services at CSUDH. It is essential for making modifications to orders and ensuring proper procurement. Please follow the instructions carefully to complete the form accurately.

Military Training
NETC Military Instructor of the Year Program Instructions
This file provides detailed instructions and criteria for nominating military instructors for the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) Military Instructor of the Year (IOY) program. It includes eligibility criteria, nomination procedures, and guidelines for submitting nomination packages. The file outlines the roles and responsibilities of the NETC Force Master Chief and the selection board.

Military Training
Army Regulation 672-20: Awards, Decorations, and Incentive Programs
This file details the policies and guidelines for various awards and incentive programs within the Army, including monetary and honorary recognition for civilian employees. It covers the rules and procedures for granting awards for achievements, superior performance, inventions, and public service. This document applies to direct-hire Army civilian personnel, non-appropriated fund employees, and foreign nationals.

Military Training
Service Member's Individual Transition Plan Checklist
This file is a checklist intended for service members to document and certify the achievement of career readiness standards as they transition out of the military. It includes sections for personal and family needs assessment, evaluation of military service benefits and acquired skills, career readiness standards, and contact information for supporting agencies. The checklist must be completed and verified by the service member, transition counselor, and unit commander prior to separation.

Military Training
Deployment Checklist for Military Members and Families
This comprehensive deployment checklist provides essential steps for military members and their families to prepare for deployment. It covers legal, financial, medical, and home preparations. Use this guide to ensure a smooth transition and peace of mind while away from home.

Military Training
Outage Gage Sheet Instructions for US Army
This file provides detailed instructions on how to fill out the Outage Gage Sheet using the Innage Tape and Bob method. It is intended for use by the US Army Training and Doctrine Command. The form includes fields such as tape reading, bob reading, reference height, net volume of product, temperature, and more.

Military Training
Addendum to Certificate of Acknowledgement of Service Requirements
This document outlines the requirements and contractual obligations for enrollment in the U.S. Army Reserve's Specialized Training for Army Readiness (STAR) Program. It includes detailed instructions and terms for enlistees.

Military Training
Training Program for Medium Tactical Vehicles Operator
The file provides a comprehensive training program for operators of medium tactical vehicles, including risk management, instructional aids, lesson outlines, and more. It is approved for public release and distribution is unlimited.

Military Training
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty Form
This file is a sample of a DD214 form, which is used for release or discharge from active duty in the U.S. military. It contains essential details about the service member's military career, including personal information, service details, and awards. The form is an important record that must be safeguarded and used appropriately.

Military Training
Marine Corps League Uniform Guidebook 2019
This document provides detailed insights into the regulations and standards for wearing the Marine Corps League uniform. It is an essential resource for members to ensure uniformity in appearance and adherence to guidelines. The guidebook encompasses updates from the 2019 National Convention.