Procurement Documents


University of Illinois System Standing Purchase Order Form

This file is a guide for completing the Standing Purchase Order (SPO) form for the University of Illinois System. It provides step-by-step instructions for filling out the form. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper submission.


Blackline RFP Guide and Template for Agencies

This Blackline RFP Guide assists procurement professionals in creating and executing RFPs across various industries. It serves as a customizable template to meet specific needs. For further assistance, contact Blackline Group.


CALUSOURCE Collaborative Procurement Guide

This file is a quick reference guide for using the CALUSOURCE platform for collaborative procurement. It includes instructions on selecting and modifying contract language using SMART templates. The guide is designed to help users efficiently manage and author contract documents.


DeKalb County Form 16 Data Maintenance Instructions

This file provides detailed instructions on how to maintain Form 16 data in the iSupplier Portal for DeKalb County, Georgia. It includes steps for logging in, accessing the relevant sections, and ensuring data accuracy. This guide is essential for vendors and suppliers working with DeKalb County.


Vendor Registration Process for City of Boston

This file provides a comprehensive guide for registering as a vendor in the City of Boston. It includes step-by-step instructions, tips, and forms necessary to complete the registration. Ideal for new and existing suppliers seeking to engage with the city's procurement system.


Local Purchase Order Format - Sierra Leone Procurement

This document provides the format for local purchase orders for low value procurements in Sierra Leone. It includes instructions, terms, and necessary fields for completing the purchase order. Useful for procurement staff handling simple or direct procurement procedures.


Independent Cost Estimate: Federal Procurement Management Guide

This document provides a detailed guide for subrecipients on how to create and submit an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) for federal procurement. It includes when to perform an ICE, how to complete it, and the required documentation. Essential for compliance with Federal Transit Administration and California Department of Transportation regulations.


Introduction to Virginia's eVA Electronic Procurement System

This file provides an introduction to Virginia's eVA Electronic Procurement System, detailing core components and basics. It includes an agenda, tools, and resources available via the system. Helpful for users who want to learn about eVA.


Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request Details

This file contains the details and instructions for completing a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR). It includes fields for control symbols, procurement dates, item descriptions, quantities, prices, and funding authorizations. Essential for proper procurement documentation.


Kentucky Vendor Registration Application Guide

This file provides a comprehensive guide for vendors registering with the Commonwealth of Kentucky's eProcurement system. It includes step-by-step instructions, important details about vendor information sections, and how to submit the application. Essential for businesses looking to secure procurement opportunities in Kentucky.


Purchase Requisitions, Orders, and Supplier Invoice Guide

This file provides information and instructions on purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and supplier invoice requests, including creating, approving, and reporting tasks.


Vestas Supplier Quick Guide for ASN Creation

This file contains a quick guide for suppliers on how to create an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) with Vestas in three simple steps. It provides step-by-step instructions for individual PO management, multiple PO management, and mass shipping notification upload. Follow the guide to efficiently manage ASNs and shipping notifications.