Environmental Protection Documents

Environmental Advocacy
Youth Advocacy Project Certification Details
This document provides essential information on the Youth Advocacy Project and the Advocacy Ambassador Certification. It outlines the qualifications, steps, and requirements for completing the certification process. Ideal for individuals interested in advocacy for substance abuse prevention, suicide prevention, and mental health promotion.

Renewable Energy
Net Energy Metering and Net Billing Tariff Application
This document is the application form for PG&E's Net Energy Metering (NEM/NEM2) and Net Billing Tariff (NBT) Interconnection for solar and/or wind electric generating facilities of 30 kW or less. It includes necessary customer and system information, interconnection types, system ownership details, contractor information, and description of generating facilities. Instructions also cover variances from Distribution Interconnection Handbook and Greenbook requirements.

Renewable Energy
Environmental Compatibility Certificate Application
This file contains the application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need, specifically for constructing a wind energy project. It includes relevant notices, affidavits of service, and a comprehensive email list of stakeholders. The document ensures transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Renewable Energy
AEP Ohio CRES Provider Handbook 2022
The AEP Ohio CRES Provider Handbook provides essential information regarding the operations and procedures for Certified Retail Electric Service providers. It serves as a comprehensive guide for registration, certification, and compliance requirements. This handbook is vital for businesses in Ohio seeking clarity on energy provider regulations.

Regulatory Permits
EASA Form 1 Completion Instructions for Production and Maintenance
This file provides detailed instructions on completing the EASA Form 1 for production and maintenance. It outlines important sections and user responsibilities. Ideal for those involved in aviation quality control management.

Regulatory Permits
Detailed Instructional Document for Users
This document provides comprehensive guidelines on filling out the form. It includes important sections, required information, and steps for submission. Perfect for individuals and businesses looking to complete important documentation efficiently.

Renewable Energy
Energy Rebates Application Form for Riverside Utilities
This document outlines the application process for energy rebates available to customers of Riverside Public Utilities. It includes fields for customer information and details about the rebate programs. Submit the completed form to receive financial incentives for energy-efficient installations.

Regulatory Permits
Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Declaration Form
This form is required for declaring ultimate beneficial ownership information. It ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. Use this document to provide accurate ownership details.

Environmental Advocacy
Letter to Editor Template for Effective Advocacy
This file provides a comprehensive template for writing letters to the editor. It includes guidelines on structure, content, and best practices to engage readers effectively. Ideal for individuals looking to voice their opinions or advocate for specific issues.

Renewable Energy
G99 Connection Procedures Guidance Document for WPD
This file outlines the connection procedures and requirements for Power Generating Modules per Engineering Recommendation G99. It details the steps and definitions needed for compliance. It also explains the roles of the customer, generator, and distribution network operator.

Renewable Energy
Customer Authorization for Net Energy Metering
This document is the Customer Authorization Agreement for Net Energy Metering (NEM2) with PG&E. It provides instructions for solar and wind electric generating facilities of 30 kilowatts or less. Complete this form to ensure your generating facility is properly interconnected with PG&E's system.

Waste Management
Waste Tire Facility Survey Template and Instructions
This file provides a comprehensive survey template for waste tire facilities. It includes detailed instructions for inspectors to complete their reports. Ideal for ensuring compliance with tire management regulations.