Student Assessments Documents

Student Assessments

Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test Overview

The Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (CLQT) assists professionals in assessing cognitive abilities. It is designed for use with adults suspected of having neurological impairments. The test comes with traditional and aphasia administration formats, providing flexibility based on client needs.

Student Assessments

Independent Living Skills Assessment PDF Form

This file is an assessment tool designed to evaluate independent living skills. It covers various domains like money management, food management, and personal appearance. Perfect for individuals looking to improve or assess their life skills.

Student Assessments

Early Childhood Measurement and Evaluation Tool Review

This file provides a detailed review of the Behavior Assessment System for Children - Second Edition. It includes measurement areas, purpose, and administration instructions. Ideal for professionals in child psychology and education.

Student Assessments

Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-III Overview

The ABAS-III is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to evaluate adaptive skills across an individual's lifespan. It is beneficial for diagnosing developmental delays and measuring adaptive behaviors. This assessment provides valuable insights for clinicians and practitioners.

Student Assessments

School-Age Form SRS-2 Score Report

This document is a score report for the Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) designed for children aged 4 to 18 years. It aids in diagnosis and treatment planning while providing important assessment data. Review the report carefully to understand the child's social responsiveness and any potential areas of concern.

Student Assessments

Career Planning Process Guidelines for Students

This document guides students through the career planning process from freshman year to senior year. It helps them assess their interests, develop skills, and find career opportunities. It also provides advice on how to make the most of career development resources.

Student Assessments

Conners 3rd Edition Assessment Report for Youths

The Conners 3rd Edition Self-Report provides assessment for ADHD and co-morbid issues in children and adolescents. This report includes scores, comparisons, and interpretation for qualified assessors. Use this tool to gain valuable insights into the youth's behavioral health.

Student Assessments

The Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale Short Form

This file reviews the psychometric properties of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale-Second Edition Short Form in a sample of children and adolescents. It discusses gender and age differences in anxiety and measurement invariance across groups. Also, it examines the relation between general anxiety and test anxiety.

Student Assessments

NYIT Writing Center Assessment Report 2016-2017

This report summarizes the assessment process and data of the Writing Center at NYIT's Old Westbury Campus for the academic year 2016-2017. It includes statistics on student majors, appointments, and feedback from tutoring sessions. Details on the actions planned to address the findings are also provided.

Student Assessments

Psychometric Properties of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire

This file evaluates the psychometric properties of the German translation of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X). It covers its reliability, validity, and norms, making it essential for researchers and practitioners. The content is suitable for anyone interested in transformational and transactional leadership.

Student Assessments

Open-Ended Functional Assessment Interview Guidelines

This file provides a structured approach for assessing functional behaviors in children. It contains detailed questions to guide interviews with relevant stakeholders. Use this resource to identify and analyze problem behaviors effectively.

Student Assessments

Technical Brief for MBTI Form M and Form Q Assessments

This technical brief provides an overview of the MBTI Form M and Form Q assessments in Hebrew, detailing their reliability and demographics of the test subjects in Israel. It underscores the importance of proper assessment translation methods while comparing type distributions with a national sample. This document is essential for understanding the specifics of the MBTI assessments tailored for Hebrew-speaking populations.