Military Documents


FCI Category III Recruitment Waitlist July 2019

This document contains the waitlist of candidates for the FCI Category III recruitment for the AG-III (Accounts) post. It includes relevant details such as roll numbers, candidate names, and information about the eligibility criteria. Users can reference this list to confirm their status in the recruitment process.

Military Vehicles

Vehicle Lease Agreement Template for Efficient Leasing

This Vehicle Lease Agreement document outlines the terms and conditions for leasing a vehicle. It is designed for individuals and businesses looking to formalize the lease of a vehicle. This legally binding agreement ensures clarity between the lessor and lessee.

Military Vehicles

Florida Temporary Tags Issuance Procedure Guide

This manual provides comprehensive instructions for the issuance of temporary vehicle tags in Florida. It covers legal authority, tag types, and the updated application forms effective July 2023. Essential for tax collectors and vehicle dealers.