Legal Documents


DNR Bill of Sale for Non-Titled Boats, ATVs, and Snowmobiles

This DNR Bill of Sale form is used for the sale and transfer of non-titled boats, snowmobiles, and ATVs in Minnesota. It includes sections for vehicle description, seller information, and buyer information. Both parties must sign to complete the sale.


Cook County Sheriff Eviction Notice Procedures

This document outlines the procedures for eviction notices in Cook County. It includes important information for landlords and legal representatives. Contact details and specific instructions are also provided.


Durable or General Power of Attorney Form Instructions

This document provides instructions on obtaining and completing a Durable or General Power of Attorney form. It details the steps necessary to designate someone to handle financial, legal, and non-healthcare matters. It also includes information on notary services available at the hospital.


Florida Month-to-Month Tenancy Termination Notice

This file is a formal notice for terminating a month-to-month tenancy agreement in Florida. It includes details about the rental premises, notice period, and tenant obligations. Use it to inform tenants about the requirement to vacate the premises.


First Amendment to Back-Up Third Party Servicing Agreement

The First Amendment to the Back-Up Third Party Servicing Agreement between PHEAA and MOHELA outlines changes to the terms and conditions of their original agreement. It includes updates on taxable notes issuance and servicing of student loans. The amendment ensures clarity and mutual consent.


How to Prepare Your Exhibits According to Civil Rules

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to prepare your exhibits for a hearing or trial. It outlines the process of selecting, labeling, and exchanging exhibits. It also includes necessary forms and instructions.



Form 669 is a Farm Lease Agreement guide to assist landowners and tenants in drafting lease agreements for agricultural property. It includes details on rental rates, lease terms, conservation practices, and more. Legal advice is recommended for execution.


Order on Media Request to Permit Coverage Form MC-510

This file contains the official order form for media requests to permit coverage in court proceedings. It details the conditions under which media coverage is granted or denied. It also lists the factors considered by the judge and the prohibited coverage conditions.


Lex Mundi Pro Bono Legal Audit Checklist

The Lex Mundi Pro Bono Legal Audit Checklist helps social sector organizations identify key legal considerations to maintain compliance and prevent liability. It includes sections on organizational form, corporate governance, federal tax law compliance, and more. This checklist is a comprehensive guide for regular legal audits.


Lion Air Group Terms of Use July 2020

This file contains the Terms of Use for accessing or using the Lion Air Group website and application. It outlines the rules, obligations, and guidelines for users. The document also includes details on user accounts, privacy, termination, and intellectual property.


Civil Court of the City of New York Nonpayment Petition

This document is a Notice of Nonpayment Petition issued by the Civil Court of the City of New York. It details the actions that a landlord can take against a tenant for nonpayment of rent. It includes instructions on how the tenant can respond and their rights.


Copyright Registration Form TX Instructions

This form is used for the registration of nondramatic literary works, such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, textbooks, and computer programs. It provides detailed information on how to complete the form, including what information is required for each section and how to submit the application. Use it to ensure your work is properly registered for copyright protection.