Family Law Documents

Family Law

Asset & Debt Worksheet Family Law

The Asset & Debt Worksheet is designed for individuals navigating family law matters. It helps organize assets and debts effectively. Completing this worksheet is a crucial step in the financial disclosure process.

Family Law

Motion to Change Custody Instructions and Forms

This document provides instructions for filing a Motion to Change Custody. It is essential for individuals seeking to modify child custody arrangements. Users must follow the specified guidelines to ensure proper filing.

Family Law

Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution - Ventura County

The Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution of Marriage is used for couples who meet specific qualifications. This guide provides instructions on obtaining and completing the required forms. See if you qualify and follow the steps to ensure proper filing.

Family Law

Family Court Evidence Manual - Critical Guidelines

This manual provides essential evidence guidelines for child support hearings. It outlines the steps to gather and present evidence effectively in court. Essential for anyone involved in family court proceedings.

Family Law

Order: No Travel With Children - DV-145 Form

The DV-145 form, Order: No Travel With Children, is used to prevent a parent from traveling with children without permission. It includes sections on risks and restrictions. This form is attached to DV-140 for child custody and visitation orders.

Family Law

The Decline of the Contract for Deed in Oklahoma

This file discusses the legislative changes regarding the contract for deed in Oklahoma. It examines the implications of these changes on real estate transactions. Legal scholars and practitioners will find valuable insights within its pages.

Family Law

Texas Bar Exam Application Checklist for Out-of-State Attorneys

This file provides a comprehensive checklist for attorneys from another state applying for the Texas Bar Exam. It outlines the necessary documents, requirements, and steps to ensure a smooth application process. Follow this guide to successfully prepare and submit your application.

Family Law

Child Support Order Objection and Rebuttal Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to file an objection or rebuttal for a child support order in New York. It covers necessary information and procedural steps for parents involved in child support cases. Accessible across various New York counties, this resource aims to assist and inform.

Family Law

Termination of Parental Rights in Tennessee

This document provides essential information on the termination of parental rights process in Tennessee. It outlines legal responsibilities and guidance for those looking to understand their rights and obligations. Consulting with a family law attorney is recommended for complex cases.

Family Law

Establishment of Child Support Instructions and Forms

This file contains essential instructions for establishing child support. It includes necessary forms and details required for filing. Ideal for individuals seeking to navigate the child support process.

Family Law

Letter of Transmittal Requesting Registration Form

This Letter of Transmittal is essential for requesting the registration of an existing order for enforcement. It contains sensitive information regarding case identifiers and financial obligations. Utilize this form to correctly communicate child and spousal support arrears between jurisdictions.

Family Law

Affidavit for Termination of Child Support in Jackson County

This document provides necessary information and forms for filing an affidavit to terminate child support in Jackson County, Missouri. It includes criteria, process, and locations for filing. Ensure all required documents are completed and submitted correctly.