Family Law Documents

Family Law

Consent Orders Application Form Family Court

This file provides a comprehensive application form for consent orders in family court. It outlines the necessary information and instructions for applicants and respondents. Ensure to fulfil all requirements to facilitate a smooth processing of your application.

Family Law

Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution - Ventura County

The Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution of Marriage is used for couples who meet specific qualifications. This guide provides instructions on obtaining and completing the required forms. See if you qualify and follow the steps to ensure proper filing.

Family Law

Cross-Employee Redistribution Effects of Mandated Benefits

This document discusses the implications of mandated employee benefits on redistribution within the labor market. It evaluates the political feasibility of these mandates and their economic impacts on various employee groups. The paper emphasizes the effects of such policies on both internal and external labor market participants.

Family Law

NY State Board of Law Examiners Eligibility Handbook

This handbook outlines the eligibility requirements for foreign-educated applicants aiming to sit for the New York State Bar Examination. It provides detailed guidelines on the necessary documentation for application and evaluation. Furthermore, it includes vital deadlines and information about necessary qualifications.

Family Law

Child Custody and Visitation Guidelines and Factors

This file offers comprehensive insights into child custody and visitation laws. It includes factors considered by courts and relevant case laws. Ideal for parents navigating custody arrangements, it provides key information to ensure the best interests of the child.

Family Law

Parenting Time Guide for Parents Living Apart

This guide offers valuable insights for parents who are living apart and looking to create a parenting plan. It emphasizes child-centric approaches while addressing the legal aspects of parenting time. Ideal for divorced or separated parents navigating custody arrangements.

Family Law

Consent to Medical Treatment for Minor Children

This document provides an overview of the North Carolina law regarding parental consent for medical treatment of minors. It outlines the circumstances under which consent may be given and highlights the legal capacity of minors. This file is essential for understanding the responsibilities and rights related to minor healthcare consent.

Family Law

Instructions to Withdraw or Amend Consent Decrees

This file provides essential instructions for withdrawing, amending, or dismissing Consent Decrees, Parenting Plans, or Child Support Orders. It outlines important steps to be taken within a specified timeframe. Users should follow the detailed guidelines to ensure proper legal procedure adherence.

Family Law

Proof of Service of Summons Family Law Form FL-115

The Proof of Service of Summons form FL-115 is essential for family law cases. It verifies that documents were properly served to the respondent. Users must understand how to fill out and submit the form correctly.

Family Law

Property Declaration Form - Family Law

This Property Declaration form is essential for disclosing assets and debts during family law proceedings. It is used to submit a comprehensive list of all community, quasi-community, and separate property. Ensure accurate completion to facilitate the legal process.

Family Law

Session Law 2020-23 Changes to Partition Law

This document outlines the details and changes brought about by Session Law 2020-23 regarding partition law. It is essential for understanding the updates and implications of these legislative changes. The content aims to provide clear guidance for practitioners and interested parties.

Family Law

Filing for Dissolution (Divorce) with Children Guide

This document provides detailed instructions and forms needed for filing for dissolution (divorce) with children in Oregon. It includes steps on how to start your case, notifying the other party, obtaining temporary orders, and resolving your case. Also, it provides additional resources and contact information.