Contracts Documents


Artist Gallery Contract for Art Representation

This file is a sample Artist Gallery Contract useful for artists and galleries entering into consignment agreements. It provides essential clauses for consignment details, commissions, and terms, ensuring clarity between both parties. This document should be reviewed by legal professionals before use.


Car Rental Agreement Sample Contract for Users

This sample car rental agreement outlines the terms and conditions for renting a vehicle. It specifies the responsibilities of both the owner and renter. Ideal for individuals or businesses looking to formalize vehicle rental arrangements.


TIPS Vendor Agreement Between Universal Melody and TIPS

This document outlines the TIPS Vendor Agreement procedures for vendors working with the TIPS program. It covers important terms, conditions and instructions for compliance. Ideal for vendors looking to understand their obligations and rights within the agreement.


Dentist Employment Agreement - Essential Guide

This Dentist Employment Agreement details the terms of employment for dental practitioners. It includes sections on compensation, responsibilities, and liability. Ideal for employers and practitioners looking for a structured contract.


Lynn School Committee and Teachers Union Agreement

This file contains the comprehensive agreement between the Lynn School Committee and the Lynn Teachers Union. It outlines the roles, responsibilities, and benefits for paraprofessionals during the 2022-2025 period. This agreement serves as a critical reference for union members and school administrators.


Landscaping Grounds and Irrigation Maintenance Proposal

This document is a proposal receipt list for landscaping services. It contains detailed information about various contractors and their contact details. Use this file to review and compare bids from different companies for landscaping maintenance.


RIBA Standard Professional Services Contract 2020 Architectural Services

This file provides guidance notes on the RIBA Standard Professional Services Contract 2020 for the appointment of an architect or consultant. It explains the provisions of the contract and offers guidance on what to consider while completing the Contract Details and the Schedule of Services. The file is essential for business clients, public authorities, and organizations undertaking construction projects.


Release and Waiver for Materials Stored on Private Property

This file is a release and waiver form for contractors storing materials on private property. It outlines the terms and conditions for storage and removal of materials. It also includes provisions for inspection and a notary public section.


Cost Plus Construction Contract Agreement Template

This file is a detailed construction contract agreement template between an owner and contractor. It includes sections on the scope of work, time of completion, contract price, progress payments, and the duties of both parties. Ideal for construction projects.


Profit Sharing Agreement Explained

This Profit Sharing Agreement outlines the terms and conditions for revenue sharing between the Company and the Representative. It details responsibilities, profit calculations, and confidentiality clauses. Ideal for businesses seeking structured profit-sharing plans.


Contractors Partial Waiver and Subordination of Lien

This form is designed for contractors to submit a partial waiver and subordination of lien alongside applications for payment. It details the payment status and releases the right to claim liens. Properly filling this form ensures compliance with Massachusetts lien laws.


Braun's Express Liability Waiver Agreement

This form serves as a liability waiver for deliveries by Braun's Express. Customers must acknowledge and release the company from claims related to delivery and unloading. It ensures safety and accountability during the delivery process.