Intellectual Property Documents

Patent Assignments

House of Leaves Remix Assignment Instructions

This file contains assignment details for creatively remixing a page from the novel House of Leaves. It includes criteria for evaluation and instructions for submission. Students must reflect on the remix process through short essays.

Design Patents

Trend Forecasting 2017/2018 Grey Zone Overview

This file provides detailed insights into trend forecasting for 2017/2018. It includes various architectural references and resources. Ideal for designers and architects looking for innovative ideas.

Design Patents

Fifth International Conference Design Creativity 2018

This document contains insights on graphic design processes and education. It emphasizes the importance of making in developing ideas. Explore research through making and its applications in design education.

Design Patents

Elements of Design Instruction and Objectives

This file provides detailed instructions on the elements of design in an art context. Users will gain insights on lines, shapes, colors, and their impact on visual arts. Perfect for students and educators in design fields looking for structured lesson plans.


Request for Continued Examination Form RCE Instructions

The Request for Continued Examination (RCE) is a crucial form for patent applicants seeking further consideration of their applications. This form allows inventors to reopen prosecution on patent applications after a final rejection. Proper completion and timely submission are essential for maintaining patent rights.


PTO/SB/92 Submission Instructions and Mailing

This file contains the instructions and details for submitting the PTO/SB/92 form. It provides guidance for the completion and mailing of the form to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Essential information regarding privacy and compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act is also included.


Provisional Patent Application Cover Sheet - Instructions

This file is a cover sheet for a provisional patent application under 37 CFR 1.53(c). It includes inventor details, invention title, correspondence address, fees due, and payment methods.


Design Patent Application Transmittal Form

The Design Patent Application Transmittal Form is used to submit a design patent application to the USPTO. It includes sections for the applicant's information, the invention's details, and relevant attachments. This form ensures proper processing and examination of the design application.

Design Patents

Graphic Designer's Estimate and Confirmation Form

This file contains a comprehensive estimate and confirmation form tailored for graphic designers. It outlines payment terms, rights granted, and responsibilities of both designers and clients. Utilizing this form ensures clarity and professionalism in graphic design commissions.


Patent Application Transmittal Form Instructions

This file contains detailed instructions for completing and submitting the U.S. Patent Application Transmittal Form. It outlines necessary accompanying documents and necessary steps to ensure a proper submission. Ideal for inventors, attorneys, and entities pursuing utility patent applications.


Chipotle Trademark Office Application Details

This document provides detailed information regarding the trademark application for Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. It includes instructions and important legal information necessary for filing the application correctly. Users will find insights into the descriptive nature of the trademark claim.

Copyright Applications

Copyright Renewal Registration Form RE Instructions

This file provides detailed instructions for completing the Copyright Renewal Registration Form RE. It outlines essential fields, submission guidelines, and important considerations for copyright owners. Understanding these instructions can facilitate a successful renewal process.