Human Rights Documents

Voting Rights
Missouri Voter Registration Application Guide
This file serves as the official application to register to vote in Missouri, allowing changes in address or name as needed. It includes important deadlines and eligibility requirements for voters. Use this form to ensure your voter registration is current and valid for upcoming elections.

Voting Rights
Wisconsin Voter Registration Application Form
The Wisconsin Voter Registration Application is essential for those looking to register to vote in Wisconsin. It provides detailed instructions on completing the form accurately. Ensure to accompany it with necessary proof of residence to secure your voting rights.

Health & Welfare
CalSAWS Design Document for Updated Data Reason
This document outlines the design and implementation of the California Statewide Automated Welfare System changes. It specifically details updates to the change reason logic for converted data. Users can refer to this document for comprehensive insights into eligibility updates and system recommendations.

Voting Rights
North Carolina Voter Registration Application
This file is the North Carolina Voter Registration Application. It contains essential information on how to register to vote in North Carolina. Follow the included instructions for a successful submission.

Voting Rights
Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form
This file is essential for Virginia residents applying for absentee ballots. It provides all necessary instructions and contact information to ensure a smooth voting process. Utilize this application form to securely vote when you cannot attend polling places.

Workplace Rights
Abortion and Pregnancy Loss: Your Rights at Work
This document provides information on legal rights at work related to abortion, miscarriage, or stillbirth. It covers topics such as privacy, time off, and protection from discrimination. Users will find valuable insights and contact details for further assistance.

Child Protection
MDCPS Termination of Parental Rights Overview
This document provides comprehensive guidelines on the termination of parental rights (TPR) as outlined by the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services (MDCPS). It includes policies, procedures, and responsibilities associated with TPR actions, providing clarity for parents and guardians. The content serves as a vital resource for navigating the complexities of parental rights termination.

Voting Rights
Voter Registration Form Instructions and Guidelines
This document provides essential information for registering to vote in Kentucky. It includes instructions on filling out the voter registration form, requirements for eligibility, and details on submitting the form. Whether you're registering for the first time or changing your registration information, this guide is an invaluable resource.

Foster Care
Child Foster Care Licensing Checklist
This file provides a comprehensive checklist for individuals applying for a child foster care license. It outlines the necessary requirements and documentation needed for the application process. Use this checklist to ensure all criteria are met before submitting your application.

Voting Rights
OVF 1 Revised 2022 Overseas Voting Application
This file is an application form for overseas voting in the Philippines. It contains personal information fields and instructions for submission. Ensure that all entries are in capital letters and accurately filled out.

Voting Rights
Application to Vote by Post in England
This file contains detailed instructions on how to apply for a postal vote in England. It provides eligibility criteria and necessary steps for submission. Ensure to follow the guidelines to successfully cast your vote by mail.

Foster Care
California Foster Family Home Application Guide
This file provides the application form for a Foster Family Home license in California. It includes detailed instructions for completing the application accurately. Ensure compliance with state regulations for potential foster parents.