Public Health Documents

Public Health Research
Imaginary Father in Robert Eggers' The Witch
This document explores the concept of the Imaginary Father as portrayed in Robert Eggers' 2015 horror film, The Witch. It discusses the failings of fatherhood, the dissolution of a family, and the character Thomasin's journey. The analysis draws on theories from Freud, Kristeva, and others to delve into themes of maternal love, patriarchal fears, and symbolic order.

Public Health Research
Assent Form Guidelines and Sample
This file provides comprehensive guidelines on creating assent forms for research studies including who needs to assent and what should be included. It also includes a sample assent form for reference.

Healthcare Policy
Standard Bank Sponsorship Policy Summary
This document outlines the sponsorship policy of Standard Bank Group Limited. It covers policy statement, scope, purpose, governance, roles, and responsibilities. The summary provides a framework for managing sponsorship properties within the group.

Public Health Research
Swiss Model Governance Insights and Lessons
This document explores the Swiss model of governance, highlighting its features and lessons for democratic practices. It offers valuable insights into the effective use of citizen engagement and power-sharing mechanisms. The research notes aim to inform and inspire further discussion on democracy.

Public Health Research
Informed Consent Document for Behavioral Study
This informed consent document outlines the details and instructions for participating in a research study on the effects of age on behavior perception. It includes information about participation requirements, procedures, risks, benefits, and privacy.

Public Health Research
Data Acquisition Form for Cellular Analysis
This Data Acquisition Form is designed for researchers to capture critical information regarding cell analysis. Users can fill out details such as purpose, expected results, and gating strategies. It provides a structured approach to documenting essential data for effective research outcomes.

Public Health Research
Informed Consent Form Preparation Guide
This file provides detailed guidance on how to write a readable and compliant informed consent form for researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. It includes tips, readability requirements, and specific instructions for both PC and Mac users. Additionally, it covers essential elements like study descriptions, terminology, and formatting.

Community Health
Summerlin North Community Association Improvement Request Form
This form is used by homeowners in the Summerlin North Community to request approval for exterior changes to their property. It includes sections for personal information, improvement details, and neighbor approval. The form must be mailed to the Summerlin North Community Association Design Review Committee.

Community Health
Understanding and Celebrating Diversity in Maine - Vol 2, No 5
This file covers the various celebrations and events in Maine, including World Refugee Day and activities related to assisting asylum seekers. It provides insights, resources, and stories that encapsulate the efforts of Maine communities to welcome and support refugees. Dive deep into the various aspects of community involvement and individual experiences shared in this edition.

Public Health Research
Template for Qualitative Interviews Form
This form is designed to facilitate qualitative interviews by providing a structured template. It gathers background information and guides discussions to identify data management needs. The form includes sections for interview preparation, key discussion points, and data management practices.

Health Insurance Programs
Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan PPO Referral Form
This form allows Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan members to request referrals to non-PPO practitioners. It outlines the necessary details for referring providers and required signatures. Use this form to ensure proper authorization for out-of-network services.

Health Insurance Programs
Anthem MediBlue Service Disenrollment Form 2023
This document serves as the Anthem MediBlue Service (PPO) Individual Disenrollment Form for the year 2023. It guides members on how to disenroll and provides essential instructions and eligibility requirements. Ensure to provide all required information and follow the submission steps.