Public Health Research Documents

Public Health Research

Template for Qualitative Interviews Form

This form is designed to facilitate qualitative interviews by providing a structured template. It gathers background information and guides discussions to identify data management needs. The form includes sections for interview preparation, key discussion points, and data management practices.

Public Health Research

Study of Relationship Experiences of PMDD Partners

This dissertation explores the impact of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder on intimate relationships. It focuses on partners' experiences and attachment styles. Through interviews, it sheds light on the cyclic changes affecting relationships.

Public Health Research

Informed Consent Form Preparation Guide

This file provides detailed guidance on how to write a readable and compliant informed consent form for researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. It includes tips, readability requirements, and specific instructions for both PC and Mac users. Additionally, it covers essential elements like study descriptions, terminology, and formatting.

Public Health Research

Assent Form Guidelines and Sample

This file provides comprehensive guidelines on creating assent forms for research studies including who needs to assent and what should be included. It also includes a sample assent form for reference.

Public Health Research

Development and Assessment of Character Strengths Rating Form

This document pertains to the development and initial assessment of the Character Strengths Rating Form (CSRF), a 24-item scale to evaluate character strengths. The study highlights the correlation of CSRF with Peterson and Seligman's VIA-IS. It provides psychometric data supporting the reliability and validity of the CSRF.

Public Health Research

SONIC: Application-aware Data Passing for Chained Serverless Applications

This paper discusses SONIC, a management layer for inter-lambda data exchange in serverless applications. It explores various data-passing methods to optimize application performance and cost. The study evaluates SONIC's performance compared to several baselines using Amazon EC2.

Public Health Research

Informed Consent Document for Behavioral Study

This informed consent document outlines the details and instructions for participating in a research study on the effects of age on behavior perception. It includes information about participation requirements, procedures, risks, benefits, and privacy.

Public Health Research

Assessing National Scientific Research Strength

This file presents a novel metric model for assessing national scientific research strength, with a focus on China's research output in quantum technology. The model evaluates national scientific self-reliance and academic contribution. The study provides insights into China's research strength in quantum technology compared to other countries, particularly the United States.

Public Health Research

Human Informed Consent Form Instructions

This file provides instructions for students to create an informed consent form for science fair projects, ensuring participants are well-informed and their consent documented.

Public Health Research

Predictive Models of Form Filling Research Paper

This file presents research on predictive models for form filling, aiming to reduce time spent on filling forms. It introduces the Collaborative and Contextually Frequently Used model and demonstrates its performance advantage. The paper also compares different models and evaluates them using real-world data.

Public Health Research

Community Geography: Principles, Projects, and Implementation

This document outlines the principles, projects, and challenges in implementing community geography. It provides a framework for research programs and offers guidance for researchers and community partners. The paper serves as a fundamental guide for academic researchers.

Public Health Research

Impact of Online Digital Piracy on the Indian Film Industry

This file investigates the causes and impacts of online digital piracy on the Indian film industry. It evaluates the current legal regime in India governing online piracy, based on an empirical study of consumer behavior. The study aims to understand the efficiency of the legal framework and suggest improvements.