Health & Safety Documents

Health & Safety
Adult Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Form - Annual Screening
This form is a mandatory annual assessment for employees with patient contact. It screens for TB risk factors and symptoms to ensure the health of all staff and patients. Completion and filing in the employee's record is essential for proper health management.

Health & Safety
Aluminum Oxide Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet
This file provides essential information regarding the health hazards and safety measures associated with Aluminum Oxide exposure. It includes first aid instructions, workplace controls, and emergency contact numbers. Users will find valuable guidelines for protecting themselves in environments where Aluminum Oxide is present.

Health & Safety
Employee Health Policy Guidelines for Food Safety
This document provides guidelines for implementing an Employee Health Policy to ensure food service employees report foodborne illnesses. It includes forms and training requirements for both employees and managers. Following these guidelines protects public health and enhances restaurant business.

Health & Safety
Daily Restroom Cleaning Checklist for Food Safety
This checklist provides essential instructions for cleaning and sanitizing restrooms to prevent the spread of viruses. It outlines daily tasks and necessary precautions to ensure a hygienic environment. Follow the guidelines to promote health and safety in your facility.

Health & Safety
COVID-19 Information and Liability Waiver Form
This form is a COVID-19 Information and Liability Waiver. It collects important data to inform clients of risks associated with services during the pandemic. Ensure to follow all instructions carefully when filling it out.

Health & Safety
Refrigerator Freezer Temperature Log Form
This log file is essential for recording daily temperature readings of your refrigerator and freezer. It helps ensure food safety and compliance with health regulations. Use this log to monitor and maintain appropriate storage temperatures.

Health & Safety
Cal/OSHA Form 300A Annual Summary of Injuries
The Cal/OSHA Form 300A is an essential document for businesses in California to summarize work-related injuries. It outlines steps for recordkeeping and reporting compliance. This form is crucial for maintaining workplace safety standards and requirements.

Health & Safety
NCHSAA Student-Athlete Physical Evaluation Instructions
This document outlines the instructions for completing the NCHSAA Student-Athlete Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PPE). It provides guidance for parents and legal guardians in filling out the necessary forms for student-athletes. Ensure all forms are completed accurately for sports participation eligibility.

Health & Safety
Greater Miami Valley EMS Council 2023 Standing Orders
This document contains the updated standing orders for the Greater Miami Valley EMS Council for 2023. It supports EMS providers in delivering quality care to patients. The protocol includes important guidelines, training resources, and procedural improvements.