Environmental Regulations Documents


Environmental Regulations

Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 Clean-up Notice

This file contains a clean-up notice issued under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. It outlines the responsibilities of the recipient to address a suspected pollution incident. The file provides detailed instructions and legal requirements.


Environmental Regulations

Creation and Maintenance of SOPs for Surface Water Quality

This document describes the procedures for creating, reviewing, and maintaining SOPs for the Surface Water Quality Bureau. It contains information on responsibilities, background, precautions, and definitions. It aims to ensure consistency and uniformity in SOP development.


Environmental Regulations

Pollution Control Officer Accreditation - Application Form

This file is the application form for Pollution Control Officer (PCO) Accreditation from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental Management Bureau, National Capital Region. It contains sections for personal profile, accreditation information, educational attainment, work experience, and other requirements. Complete and accurate information is required to process the accreditation.


Environmental Regulations

Type IX Landfill Gas to Energy Facility Registration

This document is for the registration and regulation of a Type IX Landfill Gas to Energy Facility in accordance with TCEQ guidelines. It includes general information, legal descriptions, drawings, affidavits, and other required attachments. The form is crucial for ensuring compliance with environmental quality standards in Texas.


Environmental Regulations

Voluntary Remediation Action Program Application

This file is an application form for the Voluntary Remediation Action Program (VRAP), designed for the remediation of petroleum-contaminated properties. It outlines the necessary steps and qualifications required for submitting the application. This comprehensive guide ensures compliance with the District of Columbia regulations.


Environmental Regulations

NYC Asbestos Assessment Report (ACP5) User Manual

The NYC Asbestos Assessment Report (ACP5) User Manual provides comprehensive instructions on how to electronically file ACP5 forms. It details system requirements, account registration, login/logout processes, and form submission steps. This guide is essential for those handling asbestos compliance in New York City.


Environmental Regulations

Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) - NPDES Compliance

This file is a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). It includes detailed instructions for completing the form. The purpose of this document is to ensure compliance with EPA regulations.


Environmental Regulations

Frito Lay Maryland Green Registry Member Environmental Practices

This file contains details on Frito Lay's membership in the Maryland Green Registry, including their environmental practices, goals, and compliance. It outlines the company's efforts towards sustainability and their measurable results. Additionally, it includes specific community projects and annual audits.


Environmental Regulations

Evaluation of Clean Water Act Section 401 Mitigation Projects

This document evaluates compensatory mitigation projects permitted under Clean Water Act Section 401 by the California State Water Quality Control Board from 1991 to 2002. It includes detailed findings, technical assistance inputs, and recommendations for regulatory practices. The report aims to enhance water quality control and environmental protection methods.


Environmental Regulations

The Affordable Clean Energy Rule: FACT SHEET 2019

The 2019 Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule provides regulations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants. It includes emission guidelines and standards of performance for existing sources under the Clean Air Act. Learn about the significant technologies, responsibilities, and guidelines set by the EPA.


Environmental Regulations

Maryland Lead Paint Inspection Notification

This file is used by inspection contractors/inspectors to notify the Maryland Department of the Environment about lead paint inspection activities. It must be sent 24 hours in advance of inspection and within 48 hours after visual inspection and/or risk reduction treatments. The department reserves the right to oversee all lead inspections.


Environmental Regulations

Before the Flood Discussion Worksheet and Movie Guide

This document provides a discussion guide for the movie 'Before the Flood', including a summary, key scenes, questions, and answers about climate change.