Government Grants Documents

Government Grants

SIA Grant Application Instructions & Details

This file contains instructions and details for filling out the SIA Grant Application. It includes sections on general information, narrative requirements, and community engagement. This is essential for schools and districts applying for grant funding.

Government Grants

Oregon A&H Small Grant Application Packet

This file provides detailed instructions and an application form for obtaining small grant funding under Oregon's Access & Habitat Program. It outlines the review process, eligibility criteria, and required fields to fill out. This form is essential for landowners and hunters looking to improve wildlife habitat and public hunting access in Oregon.

Government Grants

OHA Community Grant Solicitation Culture Preservation

This document contains the grant solicitation for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) focusing on cultural preservation. It outlines important dates, submission guidelines, and contact information crucial for applicants. It serves as a comprehensive guide for those interested in applying for grants under OHA's initiative.

Government Grants

Governor's University Research Initiative Grant Application

This file contains detailed instructions and eligibility requirements for the Governor's University Research Initiative (GURI) grant application process. It outlines what institutions need to apply, the necessary documentation, and support required from governing bodies. This comprehensive guide is essential for distinguished researchers aspiring to contribute to science and technology in Texas.

Government Grants

SASSA Social Relief of Distress Grant Application

This document provides essential information regarding the R350 Social Relief of Distress Grant provided by SASSA. It outlines the application process, status checks, and important guidelines for applicants. Understanding this file will help users navigate their grant application and payment status effectively.

Government Grants

Grant Application System User Guide

This file provides a comprehensive guide to using the grant application system, CC Grant Tracker. It includes steps for registering, adding research outputs, and starting and submitting an application. It is essential for grant applicants.

Government Grants

Artistic Legacy Grant Application Instructions

This document provides comprehensive instructions for the Artistic Legacy Grant application. It outlines eligibility criteria, deadlines, and application preparation steps. Prospective applicants can find essential guidance to ensure a successful grant submission.

Government Grants

Application for Financial Assistance: Research Project Form

This form is for organizations seeking financial assistance for research projects. It includes details about the organization, project proposal, and funding requirements. Properly filling out and submitting this form is essential for grant consideration.

Government Grants

Hardship Grants for Individuals in Need

This file contains a comprehensive list of hardship grants available for individuals in need, including support for those in specific professions, disabled people, education, and young people. It also includes information on funding suitable for foodbanks, community groups, grassroots organizations, and faith-based social action projects.

Government Grants

2023 PEACE Grants Application Guidelines and Information

This file provides detailed guidelines and information for the 2023 PEACE Grants application process, including eligibility criteria, funding levels, required documents and submission deadlines.

Government Grants

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Grant Application FY 2015

This file is the grant application package for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for Fiscal Year 2015. It includes detailed instructions for applicants, criteria for selection, and forms required to complete the application. The package is essential for those applying for special education, early intervention, and related services grants.

Government Grants

Memorandum of Understanding for OVW Grant Application

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlines the collaborative agreement between agencies involved in applying for the OVW grant. It details the roles, responsibilities, and commitments of each partner agency. A well-structured MOU is essential for successful grant application submissions.