Military Training Documents

Military Training

Range Card Preparation Guide for Military Training

This file provides detailed instructions on how to prepare range cards for military training. It offers step-by-step guidelines for drawing weapon positions, sector limits, and terrain features. Essential for soldiers needing to create accurate range cards.

Military Training

Leave Request and Authorization Form Instructions

This document provides instructions on how to fill out the NAVCOMPT Form 3065 for requesting and authorizing leave. It includes necessary fields, approval information, and certification steps. Follow these guidelines to ensure accurate and proper submission.

Military Training

5 Paragraph Operation Order Format for Military Planning

This file provides a detailed format for a 5 Paragraph Operation Order, essential for military planning and operations. It covers various sections including Situation, Mission, Execution, Service Support, and Command and Signal. This outline is crucial for organizing and communicating military operations effectively.

Military Training

Department of the Air Force Promotion and Demotion Guidelines

This file outlines the guidelines and requirements for enlisted Airman promotion and demotion within the Department of the Air Force. It includes information on promotion eligibility, procedural changes, and policy updates for RegAF, USSF, AFR, and ANG. Compliance with this memorandum is mandatory for all applicable personnel.

Military Training

DFAS Helpful Tips & Tools for Retirees: Essential Guide

This document provides helpful tips and tools for retirees regarding their retired pay, account statements, and taxations. It includes information on separation pay, survivor benefit plans, and how to use myPay. The document also offers resources for form submissions and support.

Military Training

U.S. Army Human Resources Specialist Progression Chart

This file provides a progression chart for the U.S. Army CMF 42A Human Resources Specialist. It outlines the key leadership positions, education requirements, and broadening opportunities for each rank. This file is essential for understanding career development within the HR specialty.

Military Training

Active Duty/Reserve/Guard/Civilian Forces Dental Examination Form

This form is used by the Department of Defense to assess the dental health of Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, and Civilian members of the United States Armed Forces. The form helps determine fitness for prolonged duty without ready access to dental care. It includes sections for personal information, dental examination results, and dentist's details.

Military Training

Air Force Training Course Interactive Student Handbook

This Air Force Training Course Interactive Student Handbook provides comprehensive tools, examples, and references for trainers, certifiers, and supervisors. The handbook guides you through the DAF Training Program, planning and evaluating training, and maintaining training records. It also offers detailed information on training documents, forms, and additional resources.

Military Training

Outage Gage Sheet Instructions for US Army

This file provides detailed instructions on how to fill out the Outage Gage Sheet using the Innage Tape and Bob method. It is intended for use by the US Army Training and Doctrine Command. The form includes fields such as tape reading, bob reading, reference height, net volume of product, temperature, and more.

Military Training

Service Member's Individual Transition Plan Checklist

This file is a checklist intended for service members to document and certify the achievement of career readiness standards as they transition out of the military. It includes sections for personal and family needs assessment, evaluation of military service benefits and acquired skills, career readiness standards, and contact information for supporting agencies. The checklist must be completed and verified by the service member, transition counselor, and unit commander prior to separation.

Military Training

Deployment Checklist for Military Members and Families

This comprehensive deployment checklist provides essential steps for military members and their families to prepare for deployment. It covers legal, financial, medical, and home preparations. Use this guide to ensure a smooth transition and peace of mind while away from home.

Military Training

Service Member's Individual Transition Plan Checklist

This file is a Service Member's Individual Transition Plan Checklist, used to document achievement of Career Readiness Standards. It includes sections on personal/family needs, military service benefits, employment, education, and technical training career readiness standards, and more. The form requires signatures from the service member, transition counselor, and commander.