Finance Documents


Access Bank Individual Account Opening Form

This form is essential for individuals looking to open a bank account with Access Bank. It requires personal, contact, and identification information. Filling it out correctly ensures a smooth account opening process.

Tax Forms

IRS Form 706-GS(T): Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax

Form 706-GS(T) is used for Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax returns. It is crucial for trust administrators handling terminations after December 31, 2012. Ensure to follow the specific guidelines for filling out the form accurately.


Ecobank Employee Credit Application and Approval Form

This form is used for applying for credit loans at Ecobank. It gathers personal, employment, and financial information from potential borrowers. Users should fill it out accurately to facilitate the loan application process.

Tax Forms

New York City School Tax Credit Claim Instructions

This file contains the necessary instructions for claiming the New York City School Tax Credit. It provides essential personal information requirements and filing procedures. Use this document to ensure you successfully file for this tax credit.

Tax Forms

IRS Forms W-2 and W-3 Filing Instructions

This document provides essential instructions for filing Forms W-2 and W-3 with the IRS and SSA. It guides employers through the necessary steps and outlines important deadlines. Ideal for anyone needing to understand filing requirements for wage and tax statements.

Savings Accounts

Reactivation of Dormant Accounts Form

This form allows members to apply for reactivation of dormant, closed, or frozen accounts. It captures essential member details required for processing the request. Completing this form ensures that your account is reactivated smoothly.

Tax Forms

IRS Form 656 Offer in Compromise Instructions

IRS Form 656 is used for submitting an Offer in Compromise to settle tax debts with the IRS. This file includes details on qualifications for the offer and necessary documentation requirements. It’s essential for individuals and businesses seeking debt relief from the Internal Revenue Service.


Global IME Bank Know Your Customer Form for Individuals

This form is essential for individual customers of Global IME Bank to establish their identity. It collects important personal details such as marital status, citizenship information, and residential addresses. Properly filling out this form helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Tax Forms

How To Submit Your W9 Online Using Fax Service

This file offers instructions on how to submit a W9 form using an online fax service. It outlines the steps to complete the submission process. Ideal for users needing to send W9 forms quickly and efficiently.

Tax Forms

Free Tax USA Form 3800 General Business Credit

This file contains IRS Form 3800 for General Business Credit. It's essential for tax reporting and provides guidance for filling out the form. Users can e-file and print their federal tax return using FreeTaxUSA.

Estate Planning

Planning Application Form Instructions for Users

This file contains essential instructions for filling out the planning application form as required by the County Council. It provides guidelines on necessary documentation and important information regarding supplementary details. Applicants can avoid application invalidation by adhering to the guidelines in this file.

Tax Forms

California Nonresident Reduced Withholding Request 589

The California Nonresident Reduced Withholding Request Form 589 is used to request reduced withholding on payments to nonresident individuals. This form is essential for independent contractors, trust beneficiaries, landlords, and others receiving qualifying payments. Proper completion ensures accurate withholding amounts as per California tax regulations.