Retirement Plans Documents

Retirement Plans

Incoming Direct Rollover Transfer Instructions

This file provides detailed instructions for rolling over or transferring benefits into your current plan account. It includes important contact information and guidance on completing necessary forms. Ideal for those looking to navigate governmental retirement plans.

Retirement Plans

Application for Withdrawal of Accumulated Contributions

This package provides essential instructions for withdrawing your accumulated contributions from the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System. It includes FAQs, tax notices, and detailed forms to facilitate the process. The Application for Withdrawal of Accumulated Contributions (Form 5) is a critical step for those transitioning into retirement.

Retirement Plans

QPP Direct Rollover Application for Lump-Sum QPP Death Benefit

This file is an application that allows designated beneficiaries to directly roll over a lump-sum QPP death benefit to an Inherited IRA or Inherited Roth IRA. Users are instructed to file the application in a timely manner to preserve certain distribution options. Complete and accurate information is required to process the application.

Retirement Plans

SIMPLE IRA Plans for Small Businesses

This document outlines SIMPLE IRA plans tailored for small businesses, detailing eligibility criteria and benefits. It serves as a compliance guide for business owners considering retirement plans. Utilize this resource to simplify your retirement planning and ensure compliance.

Retirement Plans

Civilian Employee Retirement Certificate Request

This document outlines the procedure for requesting civilian employee retirement certificates. It details the necessary information needed for submissions. Follow the guidelines to ensure timely processing of your request.

Retirement Plans

Lincoln Financial Group Retirement Plan Services Instructions

This document provides guidelines for Lincoln Financial Group's paperless loans and withdrawals. It includes steps to request a loan or withdrawal, review account information, and submit the request. Additionally, it covers tracking status, cancelling a request, and important notices.

Retirement Plans

ABA Retirement Funds Website Tools Resource Guide

This guide provides essential tools and resources for retirement planning. It includes calculators, advice, and fund information to enhance your investment strategy. Utilize this resource to prepare for a comfortable retirement.

Retirement Plans

401(k) Loans and Hardship Withdrawals Guide

This file offers information about 401(k) loans and hardship withdrawals to help users understand the implications and procedures involved. It provides general considerations, borrowing guidelines, and hardship withdrawal conditions. Use this guide to make informed decisions about accessing your 401(k) savings.

Retirement Plans

Application for Immediate Retirement under CSRS - Basic Instructions & Forms

This file is intended for current Federal or Postal Service employees covered by CSRS who want to apply for immediate retirement. It provides instructions for form SF 2801 and associated schedules. Note that this file is not for deferred annuities.

Retirement Plans

OregonSaves Retirement Savings Enrollment and Opt-Out Form

This file provides information on the OregonSaves Retirement Savings program, including benefits, enrollment instructions, and the opt-out process. Users can learn about setting up their accounts, managing contributions, and the associated fees.

Retirement Plans

CCCERA Spousal Waiver Form (Rev. 2022)

The CCCERA Spousal Waiver Form allows a spouse or California Registered Domestic Partner to waive CCCERA survivor benefits. The form must be completed in blue or black ink and submitted as an original document. Notarization is required.

Retirement Plans

Steps to Join NPS Online: Registration and Verification

This file provides detailed instructions on how to open a pension account under NPS through eNPS using either Aadhaar or PAN for KYC verification. It covers the requirements, steps for registration, and options for eSign or print and courier submission. Additionally, it includes specific steps for NRI subscribers.