Cultural Heritage Documents

Restoration Projects

Food Order Web Application Using React

This document describes the development of a web application using React for customers to make online food purchases. It aims to create a user-friendly application by utilizing interaction design principles and usability goals. The project demonstrates the ease of use and efficiency of the application and offers suggestions for further development.

Educational Workshops

Test Items in BOT-2 for Ages 6-10

This file presents the study on individual subtest items of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2) for assessing motor performance in typically developing children ages 6-10. It discusses the correlation between these items and the total subtest scores. Results suggest possible revisions to the BOT-2 Short Form.

Educational Workshops

Spelling Practice Printables - Fun Word Work Activities

This file contains a variety of spelling practice printables designed to make word work engaging and enjoyable. It includes activities such as Color, Roll, and Write, encouraging students to practice their spelling words in a fun way. Perfect for classroom use or at-home practice.

Educational Workshops

Simplifying Radicals Examples and Instructions

This file provides examples and instructions on how to simplify radicals and solve using the square root method. It includes several examples to help understand the concept better. Each example is broken down step-by-step for ease of understanding.

Educational Workshops

AIFS, AYA Medical Authorization Release Form

This file is a medical authorization release form for participants of the AIFS Foundation's Academic Year in America program. It authorizes staff, host parents, and local coordinators to consent to any necessary medical procedures for the participant. The form needs to be completed and signed by the participant's parents or guardians.


ISSN Assignment Guidelines for Publications in India

This file contains crucial guidelines for requesting and obtaining an ISSN through the National Centre for ISSN in India. It outlines eligibility criteria, terms, and conditions for ISSN assignment. Following these instructions ensures compliance with the necessary protocols for both print and online publications.

Educational Workshops

Women in the Gilded Age: Social & Economic Changes

This file provides comprehensive information about the social and economic changes in the lives of women during the Gilded Age. It reviews the key movements, organizations, and events that influenced women's rights and societal roles. This is an essential resource for understanding the historical context and progress of women's suffrage.

Educational Workshops

Annual Exam Instructions 2024 for Students

This document provides essential information about the upcoming annual exams beginning on March 1, 2024. Students must download their admit cards from the college portal. Ensure timely access to avoid last-minute issues.

Educational Workshops

ABC Spelling Test Form - Teacher's Grade Record

This form is used for recording spelling test grades for students. It includes spaces for the total number of missed words and bonus word correctness. Teachers can also track review words from the previous week.

Educational Workshops

Legislative Branch Lesson Answer Key

This file is a comprehensive guide to the U.S. Legislative Branch. It includes detailed information about the Senate and the House of Representatives. Additionally, it offers insights into participatory democracy and includes exercises for understanding Congress.

Educational Workshops

CS 5313 Formal Language Theory: Normal Forms for Context-free Grammars

This file provides an overview of normal forms for context-free grammars in the realm of formal language theory. It includes descriptions of Chomsky and Greibach normal forms, as well as their advantages. This document is useful for students and professionals dealing with formal language theory.

Educational Workshops

Teachers Pay Teachers Tax Exemption Application and Certification

This form is for applying for a sales tax exemption for your Teachers Pay Teachers account. Submit it with proof of exemption to the provided email. Periodic recertification may be required.