Agricultural Products Documents

Food Safety

Arkansas Homemade Food Production Guidelines

This file provides comprehensive guidelines for homemade food production in Arkansas. It outlines the specific requirements for food vendors and the regulations set by the Arkansas Department of Health. Users can find key information on permits required for different types of food products.

Food Safety

Maryland Cottage Food Label Instructions

This file provides essential information and guidelines on how to fill out cottage food labels in Maryland. It covers required components such as product details and allergen statements. Users can easily utilize this guide to ensure compliance with state regulations.

Food Safety

Application for Registration under Food Safety Act

This file contains the application form for registration or renewal under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006. It includes essential fields for various food business types and guidelines on required documentation. Users can fill this form to comply with food safety regulations.

Farm Produce Standards

IEC 60034-18-32 Standard for Electrical Machines

IEC 60034-18-32:2022 provides guidelines for evaluating the insulation systems in rotating electrical machines. It includes procedures for electrical endurance qualification tests for form-wound windings. Essential for manufacturers and engineers dealing with electrical machines.

Food Safety

HACCP Guidelines for Safe Food Handling Instructions

This document provides guidelines on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) for food safety. It outlines the principles and practices necessary to ensure safe food processing and handling. Essential for food producers and safety officers, this textbook serves as a foundational resource for understanding HACCP.

Farm Produce Standards

SWIFT Standards MT Information and Updates

This document offers an updated overview of the SWIFT Standards MT changes and their implications. Designed for technical implementers and operational users, it outlines key changes and user votes. Utilize this document to better understand the impact of updates on your interfaces and applications.

Farm Produce Standards

US TAG Membership Application for ISO TC 260 HR Management

This file serves as an application for organizational membership in the US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) for ISO standardization in HR management. It details the necessary information and requirements for potential members. Follow the provided instructions to complete the membership application accurately.

Food Safety

Starbucks Guidelines for Food and Beverage Suppliers

This document provides essential guidelines for food safety and quality systems for Starbucks suppliers. It outlines the responsibilities, terms, and the scope of application. Suppliers looking to meet Starbucks' standards will find this document indispensable.

Food Safety

Annual Return Form D-1 for Food Products

The Annual Return Form D-1 is essential for businesses involved in the manufacturing and distribution of food products. It requires detailed information on production quantities and licensing. Fill this form to ensure compliance with food safety regulations.

Food Safety

HACCP System Guidelines and Application Principles

This file provides comprehensive guidelines on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. It covers key principles for ensuring food safety. Essential for food industry professionals seeking to implement effective safety measures.

Food Safety

Essential Food Disclaimers for Consumer Safety

This document outlines the importance of food disclaimers for raw and live foods. It provides examples and legal information necessary for establishments serving food. Understanding these disclaimers can help businesses mitigate liability risks.

Food Safety

High Risk Food Delivery Records Management

This file provides essential information for recording high-risk ready-to-eat foods. It includes details about food supply dates, temperature checks, and necessary documentation. Ideal for food suppliers and catering services.