Where to Find PDF Downloads on an iPhone

An iPhone or an iPad is incredibly handy, especially when it comes to using PDF files. These devices are optimized to make PDFs a lot more accessible. But there's one big problem. And that's finding the PDF downloads. But here at PrintFriendly, we have the perfect solution for you. Just follow our simple step-by-step walkthrough to locate your PDF files in a matter of seconds!

Steps To Finding Your Downloaded PDF File

Once you're done with all your work and have downloaded PDFs, you need to be able to find them. Unfortunately, on an iPhone, it can get a little difficult to find downloaded PDFs. There are 5 places you can look for your downloaded PDFs:

Files App

The best place to start looking for your PDF is the downloads folder or your Files app. This is your best bet at finding downloaded PDFs. To look for your PDF files, follow these simple steps, and you'll have access to it in no time:

#1 Head over to the home screen of your iPhone.
#2 Click the Files App.
#3 Tap the "Browse" button and press on "On My iPhone." This will open up your downloads folder.
#4 Now look through the downloaded PDFs for your PDF files.

Apple Books App

If you can't find your PDF file in the Files App, then you need to move on to the Apple Books app. When you download a PDF, it'll show up inside Apple Books, and you just need to look for it.

#1 Go back to the home screen.
#2 Open Apple Books.
#3 Click on the top right corner and select "Collections."
#4 Now tap on PDF and search for your downloaded PDFs.

iCloud Drive

After you download PDF files, they might also show up in your iCloud Drive. To find PDF documents here:

#1 Start by heading back to the Files app.
#2 Tap on "Browse," then tap on "Locations," and then "iCloud Drive."
#3 Look through the several files for your PDF document.

Safari App

To download a PDF, you're going to need the Safari App in the first place. And when you download PDFs from here, you can find them very, very easily.

#1 When you save PDF files, you'll see an export icon or downloads button popup in the top right corner.
#2 Click on the downloads button.
#3 Here you'll find all the PDF files that you have downloaded in that session.
#4 Tap the PDF and click on the top right corner to save to Files. Now you can find it in the Files app too.

The PrintFriendly PDF Reader App

If you use a PDF reader like Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, you'll be able to open PDF files there like any other file format. Or, if you're out of options, you can always just use our free tools!

Head over to our home page or our PDF Tools page.

Click on the PDF Reader tool.

Upload your PDF file to the tool.

Use it to read through the information. Use our editors to edit and manage PDFs.

After you're done editing it, you can save PDFs to other apps or tap the share icon to send PDFs using the mail app.

The Bottom Line

Finding PDF files on an iPhone or an iPad can be terribly difficult. That's why we've come up with several solutions for you to make that incredibly easy. You can start off by searching for the PDF file in the search field, and if that fails, just follow our guidelines that walk you through the different apps you can check to find your PDF document.